Do you think that humans would behave like ducks if they grew up around them?

Random midnight thought :star_struck:
So imagine we’d let a group of ducks raise a human child… Would it end up behaving like a huge duck that can’t fly? Or would it behave like a confused human? :eyes::eyes::green_heart::duck:



the poor human would end up trying to fly but being unable to


I think that… the ducks would let the human child die… especially when the ducks migrate for the winter and the babe can’t go with them.




I feel like it would be a soso of communication where we learn duck language but not much else :sob: I’m so not sure

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Why did my mind go to that Hello KItty episode :pleading_face:

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Not all ducks fly away tho. The ones in my city usually stay :eyes::eyes::green_heart::duck:

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Not in mine :eyes:

Well, that’s dark. I like it!

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What if ducks started behaving like human

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the minute I saw ducks I just- I thought “this is something that Hanna would post, huh?”

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And—humans can’t be duccs unfortunately. I would leave my terrible parents to become a duck if that could happen

we do…

quack quack

I think they tried something like that with chimpanzees :thinking:

@Discussions What do you think?

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That sounds familiar, if not just very believable. HAHA. I don’t really much about it.

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