Do you think there is enough appreciation for the arts?

Do you think there is enough appreciation for the arts? Why or why not?

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Iā€™m not sure, I think it depends on which part of society youā€™re in. But Iā€™m sure some of the @Artists can say more about this and share their opinions!

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I think there is in my hometown. Weā€™re a very artsy community.

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WOAH this is such an interesting question! I canā€™t believe it got lost for so long!

I personally think the arts donā€™t get enough appreciation. I also think that there is quite a bit of elitism about which art is considered worthy of appreciation.

At the moment, loads of people dismiss video games as an art form because itā€™s not considered high-brow enough. Thatā€™s so stupid because it takes real talent on so many levels to make a good game: art, storytelling, characterisation, music, so much!

I think @ChaoticDeluge would agree with me on that one!

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People used to treat films the same back in the day: they used to act like it ā€œwasnā€™t as good as painting or sculpting or literatureā€. Now look at it!

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Honestly, thereā€™s so much art in everyday life that people just take for granted. Then tell artists to get ā€œreal jobsā€ like, sorry but the music you listen to and the media you enjoy etc those are all art. Made by the people you just told to get a ā€œreal jobā€.


Not enough to fund the arts, no. At least where I live .

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We have an ā€œArtist in Residenceā€ in my hometown that any type of artist can be awarded, no matter the medium. All artist have to do is write a letter or report or essay or something. I donā€™t entirely know. But if theyā€™re awarded it then they get the financial grant, as well as a work space/office in the CBD, to work on their project for the year. Then they can share it with the public at the end of the year or the following year.

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There are just so many reasons for me to move out of this area. :rofl:

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And to me? (hopeful glee)

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NO LOL! Not at all. Nope nope nope nope nope.

No, there isnā€™t.

A lot of schools donā€™t put money into their arts programs and a lot only have the bare minimum of arts education, which doesnā€™t teach the students to fully appreciate the arts and as a result, most only continue with it for an easy grade.

Even as an adult, I get made of by my family because I chose to do a degree in a creative field instead of something more academic. Many people donā€™t consider artistic professions to be ā€˜real jobsā€™, which then stops a lot of young people from pursuing them, even though they might want to.

@Artists - what are your thoughts on this subject?