Do you think this is a good or bad decision

Sorry for the long break due one thing that is going to be worse than expected.

Can I ask you all a question.
Do you think a shooting range is a good idea or a bad decision?

For me, it a bad decision due to a school close by and church as well. Plus there are little kids too.
Let me know what you think about shooting range near where you live or work


Not near a school.

Ok but i hear on the new that a outside shooting range was going to happen near where I live, there is little kids on my road and they did have a board meeting on last Tuesday that last 5 hours.

Bad part if outside shooting range happen even a church will have to completely closed on Sunday.

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Oh my, I hope it doesn’t happen near you, school, and church. It would be awkward if you hear shot going on every day.

Here a song to cheer you up.

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I dislike guns in general…so I don’t like them at all :flushed:

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Personally I’ll say bad because gun shot sounds give me MAJOR anxiety attacks and like, I don’t want to be in constant shock in my own house.
And it’s not only me for sure
Guns are triggering and loud af, I don’t think it should be anywhere around where people actually live


Finally good news that they aren’t building a shooting range near me and my neighbor. If it did happen, I been leaving here because I scared of gunfire.

So since the gun range isn’t happening now, I staying here.

I do kinda wish all neighbors didn’t have gun due a gun went off before dark.

Closed due to inactivity :innocent: