Do you think your parents understand you?

My dad died when I was 15, but he was pretty understanding.

My mom is a very kind person. She’s very supportive of me and usually understands me. Over the years, it has gotten much easier.

What about you?


Not really. They try, though. Yay autism.

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I think they think they understand who I am, but I differently at home than I do elsewhere :eyes:


Nope, not really.

Not at all

Same :eyes:

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they really do in some ways, but not really in other ways :woman_shrugging:

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I want them to understand me and pour out my feelings but if I do that, I feel that they will judge me of be disappointed with my choices :eyes:


For 50% I think. I have to be honest from the people who know me irl my mom probably knows and understands me best. But honestly no one I know, especially irl, truly understands me. Partially my own fault tho because I don’t really communicate with people about what I think or how I feel, and if I don’t explain who I am and where I come from I can’t expect anyone to understand me. Understanding each other takes time and work. Over the years I have really learned you have to create it, you can’t expect it to just be there. Lol, this got pretty deep tbh

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Not even a bit

Not at alll :muscle::eye::lips::eye::+1:

Uhm, kind of. I’m not rebellious or anything, I like to listen to what they say and think is best for me so we don’t really have any problems

Nope lol. I don’t even understand me tbh

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Not at all, I have a complete different personality from what I display to them.

my dad istg he doesnt even understand himself :joy:
but yea ig my mom understands me

we’re the same kind of toxic :joy:

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Nope. :eyes::sparkles:


Added a few tagssss

No they super don’t and they think they do, they think they have me all worked out then that just gets followed with a series of curvballs :joy: I barely understand myself most of the time I don’t know why I say the things I say or do the things I do but my parents super don’t.