Do you trust your own Government?

Lol it was painfully hilarious when he said that part.


I think iā€™ve seen it replayed on the news like 30 timesā€¦ its so hilarious every time as well

Nope. The government in our country sucks, especially the higher-ups who got elected by the people just because theyā€™re famous, and not because of their platforms.

But I havenā€™t completely lost my faith in our government yet. Itā€™s just that a lot of the current government officials we have right now are not doing their jobs properly.


Gotcha, I know what you mean. It sucks when that happens.


Yes, it really sucks. Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m already allowed to vote now. And I am definitely not going to vote for those buffoons.


Sounds about right to me. I have no idea what Iā€™m going to do come time for the elections in November.


For my state, None of North Carolina is agreed nor disagree with the Grovernment.

On of the comments on YouTube call username who support roy Cooper with a really nasty word.


Not surprising right now. The Nashville Mayor is getting flak for asking the protesters to come here. Itā€™s a tough time right now.

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Nope. Not right now. There was this video of this protest by the white house that this channel talked about and in it there were hundreds of peaceful protesters who got like surrounded by police who threw teargas, rubber bullets, etc at them before curfew, then when it was all clear Trump went to a church to get the press to photograph him holding a bible upside down.


I guess I do, surprisingly. Itā€™s quite far from my personal political standpoint, but I do trust in the current government we have regardless and think they do a pretty good job, even though I really donā€™t agree with every decision.


I do know protest in Winston Salem, Greensboro, and Raleigh in North Carolina was worse. One of the other things South Carolina white point garden, the statue were graffiti on although I visit the park last thanksgiving. It a beautiful park though but a creepy history of pirates who died in 18 centuries.

A little bit off topic
i knows knows why I got North and South Carolina in high school during the 13 original USA state. I just lucky I guess. I still remember most of it. )

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Interesting, I think something might be happening near downtown Franklin. It looked like smoke was bellowing up into the air.


Yikes. I do know window was damage, car burning, and people stolen phone and medicine. :thinking: It does look like trump is in a pickle for 2020.

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We take our politics quite seriously in this country and although I donā€™t trust them that much, I will say, they are much less racist and corrupt than other governments. I donā€™t like the party that was elected but whatever. The prime minister is really annoying too but he is doing a better job that cough trump cough

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not moving out of this country, the government isnā€™t too bad. Economic and socially, yes but they are bearable.


Yeah, Iā€™m not totally sure to be honest right now. I really hope it was just clouds but it was 1:30ish near a section that usually dark.

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Nope! Deporting the Windrush generation, not providing accomodation for Grenfell victims, delaying the report on why British POC are more likely to die of COVID-19, saying we can take COVID-19 on the chin and take up herd immunity, fining us for breaking quarantine rules but allowing Dominic Cummings to do whatever he wants because heā€™s in a position of power and now recently our PM asking for EU workers to come back after wanting us to leave the EU for 4 years.

A mess!


That is quite an reasonable opinion on the matter.

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True lol. The party elected is terrible. The Tories are so hypocritical and also whatā€™s with wanting your EU workers to come back? Before corona they were anti-NHS and now look at them. Clowns. But Iā€™d rather them than Donald.


We talking about England and America? Sorry half reading this because Iā€™m about to go to bed soon.


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