Do you use Social Media for school?

We never used Social Media in school until we got a new, young teacher who was open to new methods and decided that YouTube isn’t the only platform we could use :smile_cat: But a year later, I finished school and I don’t know if they still use Social Media or maybe even use it more now.

Do you use Social Media for school?
Do you think it’s useful in school?
What do you use and how do you use it?


nope :eyes:

only for getting homework answers


Never used it for school :eyes:



It must be but idk because i’ve never used it so-


I use my social media for school because it’s the easiest way for me to communicate with my classmates and my teachers. I don’t like it that much anymore, but I don’t delete my social media accounts because I still use it for school and most of my contacts are also there.

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I use Facebook and Twitter. We promote The Pi Squad (pretentious name of our school’s Math club :grinning:) and Muskaan project using it to generate funds and raise awareness.

Kind of. But I think SMS or MMS is more effective than social media.


Nope never :pleading_face:
It’s nice to see schools are becoming more open to it though-


Yes, Whatapps. We use it when our teachers need to share messages and sometimes late announcements.

We can also ask them questions through Whatsapp.

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A friend of mine told me that her brother now uses Instagram for school and I don’t really know how that should work and how they use it but I think there’s a lot of possible distractions…

@Students Do you use social media for school? How?

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