Do you use your phone when you have to go to the bathroom? ๐Ÿ‘€

So, I know many people who think that itโ€™s normal and many who think that itโ€™s disgusting to take your phone with you when you have to use the toilet. :eyes::sparkles:

So what do you think about it? Is it disgusting or normal? :eyes::sparkles:
And do you use your phone in the bathroom sometimes? :eyes::green_heart:
(Anonymous, so you can be honest without being judged :eyes::green_heart:)

  • Yes, how am I supposed to survive a second without my phone?! :scream:
  • Sometimes :eyes:
  • No, thatโ€™s disgusting and no one should do it :nauseated_face:
  • I donโ€™t do it, but it doesnโ€™t bother me if others do it :woman_shrugging:

0 voters

Oui, this thread is a result of me procrastinating on homework :eyes::eyes::green_heart:


The bathroom is the only time I get away from the monster. I just hide in there to get a break from them. :sweat_smile:

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I wear my headphones in the bathroom. I just leave my phone in my room, though. My sister is disgusted XD

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I do not :joy:

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Yes, but I donโ€™t spend every second on my phone. Although it depends on what I have to do :joy:

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Yes, I do it often. I end up getting distracted and staying for a while so my family gets mad :flushed:

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I have a bit of a germ thing :eyes:

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Iโ€™m considering doing a voice reveal


Thatโ€™s awesome!

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Donโ€™t know when Iโ€™ll do it


Iโ€™ll probably do me talking, then one of me singing


It would be cool tho! But no pressure!

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Yes, singing!

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Let me know if you have a song request. I was planning to sing the acoustic version of Diary of Jane, or something



capslock was accidental but Iโ€™m too lazy to change it

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Well, Iโ€™m highly indecisive, so ideas would be good.


sing the acoustic version of Diary of Mary Jane

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Huh? You mean Diary of Jane? Iโ€™ll probably sing a couple songs so you can hear how my voice sounds with different songs.


Sorry, yes. Just Jane.

Cool, looking forward to it! Are you a trained singer? Have you been on any singing competitions?

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I took voice lessons for three years. I havenโ€™t been on any competitions. Iโ€™m not THAT good.