Do you want music notes all over your bedroom

This Christmas I’m going redesigning my wall in my bedroom and it going to have music note on wall. ( I was practicing piano while having this idea)

So should I go for it ?

(This is going to honor my grandma who died from cancer last year and she started my piano lessons journey.)

  • Yes
  • No

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Here is example of picture.

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Let me know if find any things that I can put on wall. Pictures of music lyrics to a big music sign.

Super cool

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It is, I saw a lot of music stuff at a store called hobby lobby and it pretty amazing. Even my sister is into cow. I don’t know why. :face_with_monocle:

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Nicely, I don’t mind playing the drums.


I getting ready to do my room as a music room soon, if you find music note for wall or window.

Even piano stuff, let me know what you find me.

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You should put stickers on the wall in room

Good call. Music makes me happy.


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