Do you want to have kids? Or really, should you have them?

Non, I don’t want to go through pregnancy and then have to deal with a small human that would be fully dependent on my life decisions. I’m a very irresponsible person and would not want a kid have to deal with that :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


I’d also feel sorry if my kid turned out looking like me- :grinning::gun:

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Yes, I would! But definitely not soon. I’m not that great with kids and I’m not a big fan of kids so that would be interesting…

For now, I don’t want to have kids when I grow older because I don’t to stress myself with expenses I may not be able to afford and I don’t know what’s ahead of me. Like , in the future, Idek if I will have a job with a steady income. Life is full of unknowns so I don’t dare to think about it atm.

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Not right now… I’m only 16 and it would be nearly impossible to focus on school and a child right now. When I’m older however, I would probably say yes. You definitely don’t have to have kids when you’re older, as we all have different priorities in life and not having children doesn’t make you any less of a woman, but I love kids and would take on the challenge of raising them.

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bUt MoMmY yOu HaD mE aNd LuLu :cry:

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@Discussions would you have kids in the future?

Not sure.

Probably nottttt

Yep. 2 kids ig

Nope. I can’t even take care of myself, much less a baby. And I’d probably throw them out the window.

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im never having a babey with you ouija

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Yes. I love kids, and I’d love to have 2 of my own.

I’ve already replied, but I’ll make another reply to elaborate on it more. I love children, I deal with 4-5 kids 5-6 days a week, but since quarantine it’s cut down to 1-3 kids/ babies. I’ve always wanted to be a mother one day and raise strong-willed, intelligent and charismatic people as a way to redeem my childhood. However, I wouldn’t want kids if I can’t be successful or achieve my dreams. I would like a lot of kids actually – lol, around like 4 (but it isn’t considered a lot in some other asian countries). But if I can’t prove to myself that I can achieve whatever I dream to be, then I don’t think I am fit to have kids or be a mother. Maybe, hopefully one day I will see


Thank god

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No. It’s scary to have a human being totally dependent on you.


If only some people actually understood how important that factor is before having kids.

yes because kids r swag

No but seriously, why wouldn’t you want to have kids? If you think about it, the only reason you’re here right now is because your parents decided to make that choice, wouldn’t it be just a teeny tiny bit selfish if you didn’t give birth to your future child? That’s just something to think about. Plus, having a kid with someone is something to look forward to. Once you’re 40 or something, I doubt that you’ll be very occupied, you’re going to end up seeing all your friends married and getting kids and stuff like that, meanwhile, you’re in your mid life crisis thinking about buying a corvette and an edgy cap to wear. In my case, i’ve always wanted to make my dad proud, and i want to raise my future children (if i have any, i hope) the same way he raised me. He’s the main reason why i’m the person i am today.

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16 year olds reading this rn like :eyes:

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