I’ve always wanted to have kids, but hearing the stories of people’s pregnancies and birth slightly put me off. I guess I still do, but if I don’t have any I wouldn’t complain.
I would love to have kids, but I dont think I have the ability to be a good mom, I spend a lot of time with my niece, and I just know I dont have the ability a good mom needs.
though then again I heard stories of abusive parents and I would never reach that level of bad parent.
One day, not now. I want to achieve my dreams first before having kids. I don’t know if I’ll want kids if I can’t achieve my dreams tbh. I like kids, but not sure if I’ll be ready in the future
Due to my condition, I doubt it. I don’t see myself as a mother in the future, I’m already a mum to a cute & cuddly black cat and that is more than enough.