Do your parents enjoy reading books?

My Mum loved reading but she hardly ever has time to do it. Or she would have time but spends it on something else :smile: But yes, she reads a lot of books, but mostly books that I wouldn’t enjoy :joy:

What about your parents? Do they enjoy reading books?


My Mum does

My Dad doth not

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My mom loves reading! She steals my books all the time haha

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I got my parents into reading Skulduggery Pleasant as a matter of fact :smile:


My mother hardly has any time to read books anymore.

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My parents love to read. That’s how they inculcated a reading habit in me since young. :wink:


My dad loved reading and often checked books out of the library…
My mom also likes reading but she doesn’t read much fiction. She’s more into religious books, self-help, and health related reading.


My mom loves reading, her new partner does too my dad not so much. He doesn’t like reading and watching movies or series really :laughing:

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My dad does. Not sure about my mom

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Heck to the yes. My dad reads so much that we have a whole wall consisting of shelves that are filled to the brim with books.

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HEHEHE. My grandma is enjoying too at the moment. (wink)

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Of course, my mum loves Paullina Simons books, while my grandma prefers thrillers, mystery, and historical fiction.

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Nope, I’ve never even seen them with a book in their hands :no_mouth::rose::two_hearts:


My mom absolutely loves reading and my dad enjoys it.


Yep, my dad always read books. Same with my brother

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My mom does. Boring, non-fiction life advice books and sh-t like that.

I don’t recall the last time I saw my dad read something that wasn’t a work document or a magazine.

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My mom reads books my dad reads memes

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Yeaaaaa :sunglasses:

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Yes they do! My mom doesn’t read much cause she doesn’t have the time to sit down and read, and she has a hard time focusing on it.
My dad is always reading. Between us we have a ton of books.

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My mum has a billion books but she’s lazier than whoever invented laziness