Do your parents/friends know that you're on forums? đź‘€


Personally speaking, no. My privacy is already more air-tight than those vacuum-sealed Ziploc bags. I have none. My mom reads my text messages, my emails & even scrolls through my google tabs occasionally (does the same thing with my dad). The term “privacy” is foreign in my house if I’m gone out of sight for more than 10 minutes, they’ll think I died and come looking for me.

Back on topic:

I’d cry if they found out I was on here! They’ll ban me from using it & want to check every single post I make. This is my only priavcy & I’d refuse to have it taken from me. As for my friends, no. I’ll rave about this place to the point where they want to join — then I’d have to explain why I don’t want them to join. A- We don’t need your toxicity B- We don’t need you spreading rumors & C- F-ck you.


I tell my family that I’m on here. I don’t think they really care or mind.


Aww my Friend knows about it but she is not here and my mom also knows well the thing you said that if you disappear for 10 minutes and your parents come looking out for you well this too happens with me :slight_smile::sneezing_face:

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Oof. :joy::pleading_face:


I laughed while writing that lol. :eyes: Lowkey all my friends are more toxic than me. :joy:


I wish that was the case with my parents! :pleading_face:


You are not toxic gurl

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I think only one of my parents knows, but they don’t really care. If the other found out, I’d probably have to leave because they want me to be safe and not send pictures to boys, talk to old men ect. and think people are catfishing, which sometimes they are. I would hate to leave because I feel I’ve made so much friends and am involved in too much stuff.


My parents and siblings do not know I’m on here. I don’t think they’d approve of me being on here.

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My dad probably wouldn’t care, but my mom would flip. But I’m nineteen and leaving for college early august.


You are toxic?:joy:

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That’s the main reason for my parents too. They literally ask me if I’m sending nudes if I came out of the shower and I’m checking my math homework. :unamused:


I can understand my parents concern if I was a minor…


I’ve been on and off with this girl for 5 years, her toxicity probably rubbed off on me. :skull:


Then there was the whole “sister borrowing my phone and outing me” fiasco


I plan on telling them when I get older ---- not the name cuz then my sister would join. :crying_cat_face:

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—I have no idea what you are talking about :joy:

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Fr! I don’t even say my real name and they think I’m gonna send a pic?! No way. I’m actually really cautious online.

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