Do your parents or caregivers have any bad habits?

My dad had bad eating habits. He would eat canned food very often, and didn’t really have a balanced diet.

I can’t really think of any bad habits that my mom has.



They do, I wished they stopped though, since it’s bad for their health and they do it nearly everyday. :pensive:


My mom has the habit of wanting to control everything. It all needs to be her way.
(even had a dream about it last night and it me wake up feeling so annoyed at my mom :rofl:)

My dad has the habit if putting his phone and Ipad on the edge of a table or drawer and multiple times it didn’t end well.

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Yes, many.

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Of course they do. Everyone has at least some kind of bad habit. I don’t know if it’s possible for anyone to really go through life without developing any bad habits along the way.


My dad has insane gas.

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Oh, no! That must be very uncomfortable to deal with, especially in closed spaces. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It doesn’t stink, it just wakes the dead.


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