Documenting MagicPiano Forum Abuse

The funny thing is that she’s proven herself that she’s doing multiple illegal things — she’s saving me a fortune because my lawyer doesn’t need to go digging. She’s saying on her own forum that she’s going to dox and hack me. She’s admitting all on her own to planning CRIMES lol


“Make sure you send me your IP address.” lol why? So you can dox me even more and commit more crimes against me? lol.


She’s like a parrot. I say she’s harassing and stalking me, so she starts saying I’m doing the same. I say she has alt accounts, so she starts using that as an insult. She doesn’t have a single independent thought lol. She just uses all the language I used on her against me.

It’s like the only thing in her brain is an uno reverse card


If she’s not “snooping” on this forum, how does she know about this thread? :skull:

Why is she begging to be unsuspended?

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That’s true. Let it keep coming then? HAHA. Odd thing to say.

Can’t wait to see her uno reverse this.

She didn’t understand the reference and now she’s saying she can’t believe I play UNO :skull: I’ve never met someone with such low reading comprehension skills

@CrazyCaliope I know Lauren Music is only temporarily suspended, but if it were me, I’d never unsuspend her if she’s going to try to blackmail us like this. I’d keep her suspended forever unless she shut up, deleted all her lies and stopped all this crap

She admitted to harassing me

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I think she’s literally doing all this for the tiniest amount of attention, even if it is negative.

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Look how stupid this “poll to find the truth” is. It only includes bad things about the forum, so anyone who disagrees can’t even vote.

Basically, 99.99% of the world could love this forum and the poll would still be bad because there’s no chance to disagree on it

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Now she’s using a fake analytics site to try to claim this place has less traffic than her ugly forum lol.

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Now the idiot is claiming I shouldn’t charge people for tutoring. The thinks I should be paid in exposure lol. Clearly doesn’t know what the real world is — she doesn’t understand that people do jobs for money


That might be the nicest thing she’s said.

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She seems to think money grows on trees and I can afford to run a website without getting paid lol. I wish money didn’t make the world go around, but it does.

She’d have a heart attack if she saw the prices tutors can charge :rofl: I used to work for a company that charged parents £55 per hour for my tutoring! That’s just under $70USD lol


Of course when they took their “fees” out, I got £35. The cost she circled on my website as being too expensive is about 4 hours worth of work

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How idiotic do you have to be to think I said that I think money grows on trees? She’s so dumb lol. She can’t read

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She’s trying to illegally shut me down again


More illegal blackmail

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