Does a user's pfp influence the way you see them?

It could, but I really don’t pay attention to it. :thinking:

oui :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

I never expect it but I always imagine them looking like the person or drawing in their profile pic!

Honestly, I don’t even notice this at first.

I don’t have an answer for that…

They probably either haven’t figured out what pfp will describe them, or they’re new. I’ve had an account here since March, and only put out a pfp a week ago.


Anything is good as long as it isn’t obnoxious lol

I think that they’re new users, maybe not sure if they want to be very involved in the forums yet.

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Pfps definitely influence a lot of how you’re perceived. They’re part of a very limited amount of information that you can get from people on the forums, so they reflect on the person who has them. I’ve had profile pictures that make me seem totally different, so it’s important to choose the right one. I think that a good pfp would reflect the user and would look good while zoomed out. If I can’t tell what it’s supposed to be, it kinda bothers me. I always think that people who don’t have a pfp are new. I prefer when people have pfps, because they give a little bit of information about the person and make everything more visually interesting. I like being able to distinguish people easily, and I wouldn’t be able to do that as well if no one had pfps.


This, exactly!


What do you think of me when you see mine? Yeah, I think the pfp tells you about who the person is.

I’ve wanted a new pfp for a while now, but the one I have rn is similar to what I look like irl

Not really
But I do like looking at people’s pfp

Speaking of pfps, when did you change your pfp to my sketch? :eyes::eyes:
You could have just told me to redraw it digitally, so it would look radder :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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Can you :eyes::thinking: that would be very rad :star_struck:

Of course :star_struck: I’m a visual learner so I think that plays in

Something that is recognizable an represents the person’s identity

:cry: It’s their choice but I still want to see something :sob:

Sooo…I’m a twitching murderer. :joy:

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I’m officially Michael Jackson staring out a window

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