Does anyone wish they were back in school?

Does anyone wish they were back in school during the lockdown?
I wish I was mainly because I don’t really have anything to do at home and I miss my friends… but I feel like if I were to go back it would only be a matter of a few days before I wish I was back in lockdown haha!
So does anyone wish they were back in school / miss being in school?


I miss my students, and I hate having too many purposeless hours a day, so I wish school would start already.
Well, technically it’s supposed to be spring break for us right now, though. :sparkles: :sunflower:

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I do😞

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Not really. I kinda like online classes because I don’t have to wake up at 7 like I usually do :sweat_smile::rose::two_hearts:

And I don’t have to attend all of my classes each day :sweat_smile::rose::two_hearts:

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Nope :joy:

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oh hell no.


Yes! I love the flexibility and freedom of being home, but I miss doing things away from the home and get a change in environment from time to time. I’m also not disciplined enough to get things done… I never thought that I would say this, but I would love to sit in an auditorium, listening to an actual lecture. :smiley:


Yes!!! Online school is hard because you have all these distractions like Disney+ and Youtube and etc and it stops you from catching up on what you really need to do. School in person is way easier and I have actual people to talk to.


Lowkey, I do wanna go back to school but only because I wanna study, not to meet my fake friends bruh. :relieved:



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I’m glad to be at home. I don’t have to be around people and everything is online. I do much better with an online class. I get to sleep longer and I can better manage my time and get stuff done.

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Nope, a classroom with 20+ other people is more distracting than anything at home for me. Sure, I procrastinate a lot, but since I can do my classes whenever I want to I can actually get them done when I’m motivated and not only during the school lesson time. It’s also less time consuming then school because I don’t have to waste 2h of my day to get to school and back and my online work usually takes shorter than a school lesson would. I also appreciate how we get materials handed out to us now since we have some teachers who refuse to write things down in class which makes it hard to follow if you tend to get distracted by everything…
And did I mention that I finally can get 10h of sleep each day? I usually only get 6 or 7 so I feel way better now and I get less exhausted of sitting at home alone all day than of having to talk to other people. I also finally have more time for this place so it’s really nice for me and I don’t want to go to school.
It’s also relaxing to have a break from all the fake people in school :eyes::sparkles:


I have no friends and I hate social interaction so definitely not. :cry:

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I still don’t miss school :eyes::sparkles:


I don’t miss school :eyes:


Yes!! I am very bored. That’s why I’m replying to so many school threads atm. I know I won’t wanna be there once it’s actually time to go back, but I need something to occupy my time, cuz I’m doing nothing during quarantine :joy:

If you mean in a lockdown sense then I wish I was back in college because I miss my friends and I miss the work, I miss the free periods when we would go into town and drag myself past waterstones :joy: I had such a rad time in my second year of college so I wish I could have ended it properly


Added some tags :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

And I still don’t miss school :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: