Does birth order make a difference in terms of personality?

Personally, I think it does a bit, but only to a certain extent. Stereotypically, if you’re the eldest, most likely you will take on more responsibility and you’ll want to be a role model for your younger siblings. If you’re the younger sibling, you might generally be more free-spirited because your older siblings are carrying the weight for you. Obviously, every household is different and many factors might shift this general dynamic. I think it’s more about how each child is raised rather than the actual birth order.

  • What is your family’s birth order? Do you think it shapes your personality in some way?
  • Do you have any younger/older siblings? Do you think the way they act is influenced by the household dynamic?



I do have a younger sister who is a lot more shy than I am. I think it has to do with the environment also. I am the older sibling, so my grandma does see me as someone who holds more responsibility. However, I am also the more free-spirited one who gets into a lot more trouble than my sister. My sister is very reserved, quiet, and kept to herself. I think it’s because none of my parents ever gave her enough opportunities to express herself and always had doubt in her (since she’s the younger sibling), so she grew up to never be out there.
The same goes for me — however, I’ve always had higher expectations coming from my parents. A lot of this had to do with birth order. But I also think the things I’ve experienced, my mindset, and how I personally see things as an individual molded my personality the most

So I’d say for my family, it did have some impact but not a lot on me. Maybe more on my sister


I’m the oldest sister. Being the oldest has made me more independent and carefree in general, and more want to live my life since I have a who-gives-a-fvck attitude towards life now. My parents always expected more from me, which has always made me hate authority or being bossed around, and makes me want to hold my ground more.

I have a younger brother who is the immature one. He has more friends and is more of a prankster, which is a younger sibling stereotype.


Technically, I’m an only child from my parents. But I have younger siblings from both my mom and my dad. I don’t live with them so I’m not sure if my birth order affected my personality in any way.

But I’m the youngest person in my immediate family. This one has influenced my personality a little because I’m the one who had it the easiest. This made me a bit lazy, but I still help around in the house if my grandma tells me to do so.

I have younger siblings, but I don’t live with them. Based on my observation, I can also see how their birth order influenced their personalities. The two oldest ones are the most composed and responsible, while the younger ones are more… playful.


no. why does it matter?

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Nope. It’s literally as simple as that. The entire environment and system one is born into is what actually differentiates a person in terms of personality.

Based on psychology, the first 7 few years and what they experience is what shapes a being.

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I have a younger brother and he always gets away with so much stuff- Whenever he starts messing with me and I get back at him, my parents blame us both, because i’M oLDer so I should just ignore :blush:

Also he’s way more spoiled than me and doesn’t really get yelled at as much, my parents basically give him anything he wants, He’Ll gROw oUt oF It


I don’t think that should make any difference but in a way it does. I wouldn’t know because I’m an only child but I have a lot of friends that have siblings and I see a lot of similarities. But I think it mostly depends on the family and how children get treated

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IM THE YOUNGER ONE OH MY GOD am i the only younger sibling here wow AND NO LIKE MY BROTHER ISNT MATURE AND YES FOR ME ITS LIKE YOUNGER SIBLINGS LEARN FROM THEIR OLDER ONES AND IT IS KIND OF LIKE TAHT EXCEPT I HAVE ALL THE BAD QUALITIES LIKEE sleeping late and procrastinating and just not being productive like itS ALMSOT 5AM RN AND BOTH ME AND MY BROTHER HAVENT SLEPT YET woah so yeha i would say even when i don’t realise it i do have pretty similar qualities to my older sibling omg i learn from him wow

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I am the older sibling and I don’t like it. My sister is so annoying and so full of attitude and no respect for elders (especially not me)

She gets away with so many things like I know she’s the youngest in the house but she’s a little too spoiled by my parents in my opinion. I do nice things for her and I am kind to her and I don’t expect much in return but I certainly don’t expect bad behaviour (like she starts screaming and dancing all around the room adjacent to my study room especially when I am studying and when I shout at her to stop she starts crying and goes to mum and dad for defence like bruh what a coward :blush:).

yes, birth order makes a lot of difference in personality. My parents were strict from the start of my childhood and still are strict with me. I used to get yelled at and even slapped quite a few times in my childhood (maybe because they were new to parenting and didn’t know how to care for a child properly and also, their own childhood weren’t that rosy enough). But my sister gets away with a lot of things and she has a lot of freedom. Even if shes sleeping during online class, my parents dont rebuke her but if I get off the online class even to go for washroom break, they scold me like bruh thats so unfair but oh wait Im the eldest I should stay in my lane and be the perfect older sibling :blush:

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I mean
Maybe in terms of the attention you may get from your parents

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