Does Highschool properly prepare you for University/College?

Also… is college harder than HS?
Pls tell me I’m scared 🫣🫣🫣

I am going to a very supportive and kinda small university so hopefully it’ll be fine…

If it is harder… to what extent?


Tbh, in my country, they just take us to a damn College Fair. So from my experience, they don’t really prepare us for college/university. Just exams, like BJCs, GCSEs, etc. Highschool in my country isn’t that hard, as for college, it’s optional to go or not.


If you want to have the most real world experience, join the job sites program at your school if it has one. It prepares you for the real world more than college ever could.

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Oh I’m not asking about how much Highschool prepares you for the real world! I was just asking this question because for me, I have to go to college to be in the career field that I want to be in. But I do think there are other options to prepare you for the real world, but I’m mainly wondering how Highschool prepares you for college and if college is harder than Highschool. Because some people say it’s easier.

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It’s highly dependent on your own personal experiences

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I’m just curious about other peoples experiences.

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Personally, I think it really depends on your program and the courses you take.

I’m in a bachelor of arts program and I would say that my first year of university was somewhat easier than high school

Some of the assignments I had were really different from what I’ve done before but generally, I found that university had a much lighter workload.

That being said, my friends who were in science courses had way more work than I did and it even seemed like they had larger assignments but I obviously can’t speak on the difficulty because I didn’t take those courses.

Honestly, I would see if your school has a reddit page and see what people are saying on there. You could even make a post like this one asking people for their opinions since they could share specific experiences.


Thank you for this info! I might do so!


Moved to school added tags

I can only speak on my experience in the English system but I guess that can help for anyone wondering

What we call “college” is the place you go for two years to get a qualification to go to university or just to get a qualification to head into a job that requires more than GCSE (end of high school exams) but you can also do GCSE’s and GCSE equivalents in college, so depending on the college, high school doesn’t necessarily prepare you that much.

I found college easier because I was doing what I deem to be a pretty easy qualification, Extended Level 3 BTEC in business studies which is the equivalent of 3 A Levels. Now most people know I didn’t want to do that course but it was fine, now with university I believe I can give some universal advice.

If you pick a qualification you don’t like, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Yeah, for me the move from high school to university was something I felt ready for. Partially due to my high school properly preparing us, but also the fact university sort of eased us into it. It wasn’t an as big change as I expected, and it went very naturally for me…


I thought I explained this before on another post somewhere. The only difference between high school and college is that you have to pay for your food (or bring food with you) and finding parking is hell (you have to time it right and know other student’s schedules to be able to grab their parking spot). Other than that, it’s basically the same.