Does it matter if teenagers sometimes use bad language?

I don’t see a problem, as it isn’t excessive or just being rude. I don’t see a huge problem with language as long as it’s used appropriately.

What do you think @Discussions?


As long as they don’t use racial slurs, it’s all good and rad :sunglasses:


Yus it’s a good way to show your emotions :woman_standing:

Though saying racist slurs as the person above said ^ is not okay :exploding_head:


As long as they aren’t using slurs, I really don’t care




Lol, no.

S*gn! F**l! B*nny! Apric*t!

Sorry, I’m not usually so vulgar.

As long as they aren’t slurs, I don’t give two f*cks


no, its just words. I know america is very sensitive around curse words.

where I am from on the other hand curse words arent seen as a big problem, ofcourse, we try to keep the big once like fu*k away, but I seen less hard curse words used in kids tv here,

though to be fair I also live in the country whose children channel didn’t think a show about a man magic penis was a horrible idea

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Do you think it f**king matters, @Meekepeek?

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lol, you should have heard us when we were kids…

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So true. I was terrible, though I still am. HAHAHA

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Not really, as long as they aren’t slurs or used to hurt other people, as a form of experession they can actually help

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