There’s this theory of music improving an unborn’s intelligence. But I’ve never heard much about it having an influence on your memory and verbal intelligence
Although it would make sense, at least to me. Music can be very complex, learning lyrics could also help improve your memory. I’m not sure if there’re any studies on that?
Do you think music improves your memory and verbal intelligence?
Do you know any good sources? Maybe some studies about this?
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No, I’m still stuttering and forgetting things.
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I think music can improve your communication. I mean in simple ways. Like poetry can help people have words to use to describe their feelings. Which is good and can make someone emotionally intelligent.
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I’m honestly not too sure but maybe? Everybodies brain reacts differently to different things so it wouldn’t surprise me if music actually helped with this
@Music what do you guys think?
I’ve not heard much about this in all honesty 
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