Does reading manga in bed help you sleep?

Obviously, for me it does, and it’s not that the manga I’m reading is boring, but because I’m on the bed and I have slept off reading Webtoon before



Oh no it doesn’t help me at all :laughing: it just makes me wanna read more haha.

It makes me tired after a while…idk.

Makes me tired and read more.

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No, not really, well… actually it would if I read it then. What about you, @WolfGamerGirl37?

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Well, I can’t say for sure about manga since I would read a volume in like 20 minutes to an hour depending on the manga which is why I bought so many at once. Now, Otome novels are a different story though. I have to read those earlier in the night because the moment I start reading anything or playing on my phone while in bed I pass out pretty quickly.

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Yeah, I’m the same with reading late at night, puts me quickly to sleep.

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Yep, it never fails to happen!

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Sure but reading through the whole day makes me guarenteed to sleep well :joy:

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