Don't use your username game

Alright, this is a game I came up with.

The goal of this game is to have a regular conversation, as in you have to actually reply to the person above you, but you are not allowed to use the letters that are in your username. It need to be full words and complete sentences. If someone does mess up you start a new conversation…

Player1: This is just to show how it works!
Example2: Ok, I understand!
See example2 messed up here so you would start again!

Let me start off:

I definitely hope this won’t flop!


I will mess up for sure… :eyes::sparkles:

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You think so? Even with my short @ it’s difficult.

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oh no, this’ll be hard Dx

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Oof. W3ll I drink poclim “oof”
i$ h4 :point_right: d
i$ lik ch4 :point_right: 4d (x2)

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Quoi? :eyes::sparkles:

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moji’s prsnt(:gift:) ltrs (:abc:)


This won’t be hard :rofl:

Ok, this isn’t going how it’s supposed to go…


:point_right: i$ (:abc:), i$ diff w@y oo c@ll sun, (nd$ in y)

hv I 'oued u nouh?

(breaking the game for a sec, dude, you keep using s)


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Yes, only because the game isn’t played according to the rules.

I guess someone can just close this since it wasn’t a good idea for a game!

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No :sob::sob::sob:

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Lol yeah I can’t do that with my username… Like that’s impossible for me to do.
Maybe change the rules?

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Be creative, that’s what this game is about. I do admit you probably have one of the most difficult usernames possible but still!
Anyway I don’t know how the rules can be changed in a way this game makes sense, maybe just that you can’t say certain letters or something like that but that gets boring…

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So should I close this or do you want some time to change the rules?

I don’t usually break game rules- I didn’t know that you had to use complete words lol. That’s hard to do with my username, I would have had to search words without a and e and that would be hard lol.

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Uhm, just close it cause if I change the rules I don’t want it to start with the failure of this one.

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Closed due to OP’s request!