Dream journal đź’¤ đź““


Basically, it’s what it sounds like, we write down our dreams (for fun) and we’ll also discuss tips, facts, and basically everything about sleep and wellness as well as how to stay awake if you need to… :zzz: :hocho: :gloves: DISCLAIMER: (I am not a medical professional and neither is anyone else who posts on this topic, so whatever tips or advice is given here will have to be taken with a grain of salt as what may work for someone else may not work for you, if you believe you have trouble sleeping as a side effect of something, talk to your doctor.)

I’ll go first, last night I dreamt that the cast of High School Musical went to my school as their characters and nobody realized it. Troy was popular and on the basketball team, Gabriella was nerdy and on the academic team, etc. I didn’t even realize it until the graduation scene. (And no I didn’t watch HSM before bed, which is what made it weird.)


So I have this “Merge 3” game on my phone and that somehow made its way into my dreams :joy: The last few days I dreamed about a normal day in my life and suddenly I started playing that game in real life. For example, I started putting three pizza slices next to each other and they turned into a big pizza :joy: Maybe I’m just playing this game too much lately.

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Lately, I’ve been dreaming with my crush, lol.
(It’s irrelevant but…yeah…)

Ooooh, I didn’t know this exist.

Sounds interesting. :eyes:

I dreamt that I secured the top rank in a competitive exam. I was really happy that time.

Oooh didn’t know this thread existed. So, I think stuff in an RP actually managed to influence a dream I had a few nights ago. I don’t remember much of it, and I kinda vaguely remember there being a whole lot more depth to it, but I just can’t remember/put into words. I just know at one point in the dream, I was searching a building for supplies. But then at some point, the building was on fire, before I was looking through the burnt remains. Which when I woke up reminded of the fire in the Blue Royalty RP. Which if I remember right, I had been writing a response for that RP when I had fallen asleep.

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Added the #opinion & #book tags :blossom:

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