Dyslexia and English Class: Ways to Support Your Child

Know someone with dyslexia or do you have it? Take a look at how the simplest things can help make education better for that person.


This one is a little different, @Bloggers. Only 'cause itā€™s from Shaniā€™s Tutoring. Itā€™s still a really interesting and informative read though. What do you think?

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I read through it briefly hereā€™s some extra info. idk if itā€™s helpful but yeah.

one thing thatā€™s important about Dyslexia is that (in my case at least) I canā€™t automate basic techniques and language rules. The trouble is that it doesnā€™t matter how often I know the rules and do exercises, in the end, I will make the same mistakes.

What many children also quickly do when they have dyslexia is that they will write words as we hear them.

During my school period up to and including the secondary school, I had to do extra exercises and teaching material for spelling, reading and writing.

What improved my Dutch and English writing skills best for me is to just write and use special controls.

Grammarly is very helpful even as a free version. If you write with such control and just keep doing it while you like it, it is much easier to learn.

Donā€™t like to read? then watch something with subtitles in your own language or that of the language you want to learn. at some point, you start to pick things up. We learn by doing, but not if they are boring, tight lessons, that will only increase our hatred on a topic we are already struggling with.

For me, the school systems have added to the side effects of dyslexia by treating me as if I was inferior in the linguistic field instead of encouraging me that it doesnā€™t matter that I have more difficulty with this.

It is also important for people to realize with Dyslexia are likely to have other cognitive and mental issues and by not supporting it right, it can break a childā€™s desire to learn, make them blind for their own strengths and achievements.

Iā€™ve said before that because Iā€™ve had to struggle so hard as a kid, I have become blind of the value of my own achievements and as an adult, itā€™s very hard to fix it, but better now that Iā€™m aware.

itā€™s important to look at peopleā€™s strengths, not their weaknesses. I might not be the best at spelling, but my strength as a writer comes from being creative, itā€™s up to other people to judge which one is more important in the end. (computers can correct spelling errors, they canā€™t come close to the creative thought process of a human brain).

(In this text alone I had 16 errors and 16 ā€˜advanced errorsā€™),


^^^ @ShanniiWrites

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so far, i only knew about the option of screenreaders for dyslexia, so this was really eye opening!

i donā€™t know a lot about teaching or this topic so i canā€™t say much but iā€™ll be sharing this with a friend whoā€™s an elementary teacher, so if she gives me any feedback i can share it here

also one thing i do notice is that, although there are aids nowā€¦ well a lot of it boils down toā€¦ having money, which is a big issue here, i think
iā€™m thinking this from an ā€œi live in a third world countryā€ perspective, so well, it may be different from what others think, but itā€™s kind of concerning to me, as someone whose life revolves around reading and writing, that a lot of people may not have access to the tools that would allow them to enjoy those things
it would be nice if schools could aid people in this case, but well, again, money can always be a problem

does anyone know about accessible resources? or about plans on making them?
because proper education really shouldnā€™t be limited to people with money

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