Episode: Good Stories With Character Customisation

Hi all!

So, in light of the success of the Good Stories That Don’t Use Gems thread, I thought that we could do the same with Character Customisation/Customization (or CC).

This thread is a wiki, which means that everyone who is trust level 1 or above will be able to add to it and include their favourite stories. Please feel free to add as many as you like! Just make sure to take it in turns!

  • Do not recommend your own stories – we have a whole section dedicated to promoting your own stories! #share:promote-your-story I understand that we want to promote our own stuff, but this thread is here to help and support each other! Please respect that and keep your posts to your favourite stories other people have written. Bear in mind: I will be able to see who comments what, so I will delete any self-promoted stories.
  • Only Promote Good Quality Stories – I’ve seen this debate first-hand, but this thread isn’t for supporting all of your friends. As nice as that might be, we need to make sure that all of the stories on here have good directing and scripting to keep up the standard so that people continue to trust our recommendations. As such, we will be deleting stories if we find that they huge directing, scripting or spelling and grammar issues.
  • Keep it PG13 – Episode is a PG13 app and we want to stick to their rules. Plus, we have a whole Patreon exclusive Restricted Section where you can promote mature stories!
  • Keep the format the same – We’d like the title of the story, a few words on what makes this story special, and the link to the story. Please also collapse these by clicking “Settings” then “Hide Details”. Make sure to add the stories to the right genre, too! This will stop the page from getting too cluttered.
  • Add the link to the story — We want to make this as easy as possible for people to find the stories they want to read. Please, please add a link. If you don’t @ChaoticDeluge or I will have to go around adding them in after. 100 links to find is no fun for us!
  • Only One Person Editing At A Time – It should tell you when you open the editor how many people are editing. PLEASE DON’T EDIT IF SOMEONE ELSE IS EDITING . They’ll lose their stuff.

Please recommend your favourite Episode stories in the relevant genres below!


[Replace this with recommendations. Please remember to collapse them using “Hide Details” to save space!]


The Wall by J. Miley

Amazing Adventure Fantasy that is a “you” story with full customization including naming character. Has a family customization coding so that your family changes appearance according to your customization. Out of this world directing that’s like watching a movie. Recently completed.
Episode Writer Portal


Competitive Edge

'Your highschool rvalry got out of control and ruined senior year. Good thing all that drama won’t follow you to college… will it?
Episode Writer Portal



‘You were queen bee until you had to leave town. Now you’re back, but the social scenen has changed. Will you reclaim the throne or is your reign over?’
Episode Writer Portal


When The Last Petal Falls by lorenbethxox

“She needed someone to show her how to live. He needed someone to show him how to love. And the key to their happiness? It fell on a single rose.”


Gilded by nala

“Kidnapped by the god of the dead with no hope of escape, until a sexy stranger comes along. A risk, a rescue and a romance, will you finally be free?”



[Replace this with recommendations. Please remember to collapse them using “Hide Details” to save space!]


Counting Sheep by Piccalilly

This is a great small-town mystery story where you can customize and name your character. You can also customize your mother and your potential love interests.
Episode Writer Portal

L.O.S.T. by Mary D. Sava

In this story, you will be playing as a girl who is trapped in the body of the detective that was investigating her murder case. You can customize the girl, as well as Leo, the detective.
Episode Writer Portal


[Replace this with recommendations. Please remember to collapse them using “Hide Details” to save space!]


Wired This Way by lorenbethxox

“With Droids disappearing throughout the city, can the mind of a machine with the heart of a human, before it too, appears on the lost property list?”



[Replace this with recommendations. Please remember to collapse them using “Hide Details” to save space!]

Please feel free to add any genres I missed!

For more Episode Recommendations, check out the Episode Recommendation Wikis Contents Thread!




If you love a story with CC in it, please add it! You’re supporting both the Forums and your favourite writer at the same time :wink:


Added wiki tag! :two_hearts:

Any good suggestions for here, @Episodians?


Added tags :black_heart:

Does anyone have any rad stories to add? :eyes:
(I’ll add some in a bit)


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By “no gem choices” do you not include stories with the " support Author" button?

Closed due to inactivity