Episode Oldies Discussion: Real Hollywood

Real Hollywood

Description: A chance encounter at a night club makes Ella an overnight celebrity. But what is the cost of fame? Friendship and betrayal collide as she navigates the wild world of Hollywood.

Ok, this one I remember being really good, mucho drama! The plotline was complex and just soo good! It’s basically about this girl who goes on this show where she meets these bachelors and she can fall in love with one of them or walk away. If she walks away she can get 50,000, however, if she chooses a guy and he rejects her HE gets the 50,000.
When reading it the first time I thought it would be super predictable and for the first few episodes it kind of was but boy does it have some twists that you really do not expect coming. One of the twists, in the beginning, is that her best friend set this all up and has a guy on the show pretending to be her “dream man” so when she chooses him, he gets the 50,000. Which I think is a pretty good plot point.
I think that the MC turns out to be a bit of a Mary Sue tho.

Have you read this story? If so what did you think?


Real Hollywood was the second episode story I read but I never actually completed it! I do remember it vaguely as satisfying my 13 year old self (think I was 13 but god knows, what is time?)


It’s been a long time, but this was my second story I read on episode as well. I just remember it was kinda really weird and funny and I think I enjoyed reading it :thinking:

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Uh… yeah funny.

Meanwhile there was a character that died on the show from a shark attack and they showed his funeral on the show


:eyes: Sounds neato, but I don’t like Hollywood, and especially not the glamorisation of Hollywood in media and stories aimed at teenagers

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Now you say that I vaguely remember it, haha. It honestly was a weird story :joy:


What’s funny about this is that all these stories were usually about adults, not teenagers.

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Oh yeah absolutely, aimed at teenagers, not about :wink:

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I love seeing how adults do adult stuff in episode stories

Y’know, walk in and out of your wardrobe 3 times, wearing different outfits, mood really.


And omg there was a scene in this story where you got to choose her go-to alcoholic drink and they were all weird? Idk I’m not a drinker of the alcohol. One had I believe Pepsi or Coke in it or something.


I do often stand there for eight minutes after someone’s asked me a question debating what I should say in response while looking like I need to poop, it’s a big mood.

And then eventually spend money to somehow come up with a response I never would have thought of otherwise


Mixers are a thing :joy: But this is a discussion for the Restricted Section :eyes: No drinking for the kiddies

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Lol imagine standing there then going away to ask someone for advice on what to say, saying you’ll give them 20 gems for it lmao. Or worse, steal someone’s outfit.
I wonder what the background characters think.

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Or just throw gems at them, like actual rocks and be like “that was the right choice I paid for it”

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And the cashier just looks at you like: Uhh sir, I only wanted to ask if you were going to continue to stand there with your friends convincing you to eat here…

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I’d love to give a guy gems for a gift he got me

“I want you to wear this tonight so badly”
"Oh that’s great just giv-’
“80 gems”
“Darn this adulthood”


Or you an outfit at the back of the closet that is ACTUALLY yours, yet as soon as you get your hands on it its, “THATS 40 GEMS”


I mean doesn’t your closet charge you to wear your clothes? Mine does :eyes:


Absolutely robbed

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