You may have seen on Instagram, but for those of you who don’t have it or haven’t seen it yet, @fcukforcookies started a recommendation group called epy.tipsy_readz with some familiar names from the forums, including:
@Cheyara_M @TessS @Khrema and myself. As well as some less-active forum users cough cough (@tolstoyanov @Wenna.Mac @MaryDSava @AlexandraD)
We recommend stories that one or more of us really likes (usually enough to read it at least a second time to get cute screenshots) - either stories that we already know or ones that are suggested by their authors here: Suggest your story to be read here.
We also take some splash requests and game menu template requests.
Also we have a link to a visual Hair & Makeup template by Tess and Cookie that you can access to through this form.
See our Linktree for updated links.
As a sample, here are some of our current recommendations
Stray Heart by @Talu
Fear The Night by W. Wiley
Theta 135 by Toriah
And because I freaking love Cookie's art, here's a sampling of our Bios:
And me when I had pink hair
We do have a bit of a backlog for our suggested stories, so don’t worry if you’ve submitted and we haven’t recommended it yet, we have a few stories to recommend before we get to these (also submission isn’t a guarantee of recommendation).
Anyway, going to add the non-gem stories to the wiki on forums here as well!
Hope you enjoy and let me know if y’all have any questions!
(Also mods, feel free to move as needed or if this isn’t allowed or something!)