Everything about 1x1

Sometimes RPing is fun with one specific person, or an rp dies and you just don’t want to say goodbye to your characters *couch * Regan *cough * Genosta *cough * .

But whatever reason you have for starting a 1x1 there are some things that you should know:

  1. Starting one is harder than continuing from a dead rp.
    At least for me this was a lot harder. When you continue one, you already have the set up, the characters and you can just start nothing more to it. But when you start one from scratch you have to make up your entire rp, setting, characters etc.

  2. other people won’t know it.
    I’ve had a lot of times I want to mention Regan (like I did before), but most people here won’t know who she is because she was a character from the EF and the rp died pretty fast. Then we did have our characters in the open for a public rp for a bit but it quickly died and it was back to the pm.

  3. Time and pace (and learning each other’s time schedule).
    So the pace of an 1x1 rp might be faster than a public one because you’re more active and it’s quicker to respond to. (most of the time). You learn each other’s pace and the time you’re both active. You will feel like a stalker, but it’s alright, because they will too.

Do you guys have any more tips and tricks for when you’re doing an 1x1 rp?
maybe cons and pros?


Make sure you both plan thoroughly together first and both understand the concept


Firstly, as you already mentioned, timezones are a big factor. Discussing which timezones the rp partners are in helps to increase the activity and interaction time without hampering one’s routine.

I think 1x1 rps should be carried on in a public threads which should boost the activities on the forums.

Plot is very important in 1×1s, because it consists of only two rpers, so the plot should be detailed and interesting chaotic enough to keep both of them on toes

yes thank you!

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For what lol

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I forgot about that one

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Of course, wifey :wink:

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I’m still a newbie to 1x1 roleplays, but I do know some things:

  1. Since it involves a restricted and chosen number of people, it means that the story is more “active” and has a more fixed goal. So this means that you should be in agreement with the plot and what happens with the story. Plan things that need to be plan, and make sure you both know what’s going on unless you want to surprise the other with something you have in mind.
  2. It’s actually better to pair up with a friend or someone you click with when it comes to writing. This is because you are both comfortable with each other, then you’ll be able to have a nice 1x1 RP.

idk why but the title sounded kinda wrong/dirty in my head lol


I’m just copying the sheet’s titel


That surely isn’t the case with Meeke and I since she’s plans on giving me a mild heart attack once a month or more frequently if things get intense


me too, babe, me too

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You love it, and you are always allowed to take revenge, you recently did!

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That’s why I said “unless” xDDD I and Spoon also have some things we don’t want to spill to each other especially with our own characters. What I mean is that you should both know what’s going on on the surface of things, like the flow and scenes and stuff.

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Yup that is necessary.

And these little or not so little surprises are things that keep us focused :joy:


Did I complain? :joy: I’m just exposing you

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I know, I know!



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