Faceclaim help thread

Thank you. I think the last one fits the best


Ooh this thread is cool
Do y’all know any uhhhh idk
Fcs with blue hair!


I have some but have class today so it will be a bit before i can get them posted here for you. Were you looming for a specific gender?

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Nooo dw
Thank u!

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I know its been a whike since this thread has been used. I also know this isnt 100% exactly shat this thread is for. But anyway i fell in love with this fc that gave me so many ideas but cant find a name. Could anyone help me find the name of who this is??

late reply so i dont know if you still need an answer, but reverse image searched it; he appears to be a redditor? only name I could see was ‘ellis’. I think hes just some guy.

edit: man i thought it was still october. this probably isnt much use now but i’ll leave it here just in case

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Thank you i found more ifp but still thank you

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Hi guys! I need androgynous AFAB fcs please. I need to know the name of the model.

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Which picture is better? :thinking: For an upper-class character in the Selection RP

  • Left (or first)
  • Right (or second)

0 voters

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Let’s revive!!

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I don’t know if anyone uses this thread much but I have a drawing that I love the general vibe and stuff on but I cant seem to find any actual pictures that feel like kind of similar. I was wondering if anyone could help.



heh… here’s a couple

Ngl some are the same dude… oops :sweat_smile:

Feel free to not use any of these lol

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Thanks so much

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If anyone has any good female fcs, mid 20s (like 24ish), brunette with freckles and just a cute vibe, please share

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ill look through mine while im looking

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Awesome! I think I might have an options but I know others probably can find much better fcs in this type of vibe so I thought maybe that’ll help!

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