Fairies Of The Seasons - Sign UP


There are 4 types of fairies:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Faires of the different season have keen kept apart for the last 50 years. There was a group of summer and winter fairies that rebelled and left their native lands. It took the “deserters” a long time to find their current home. even though many years had passed since the deserters left the king of winter and the queen of summer have been trying to hunt them down. In their hunt, the land of autumn is now on the blink of war with the summer kingdom and a war between summer and winter not far of either.

In an attempt to fix the distrusting nations the high king and high queen have set up a school to teach all new fairie adult the ways of their speciality. Maybe even foster peace between the nations through the school.

Dear Insert name here,

You are now of age to attend the speciality ceremony. We hear by inviting you to attend the new school we are forming. Don’t worry about the temperature we have it covered. We hope to see you at the school


High king and High queen

Some world info here

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@Littlefeets @Caticorn @BlackBlood @passionfruit @GlitterFist @Kat
@CrazyCaliope @angelic @benitz786 @Rose


I’d like to join

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Sure :slight_smile:
What type of fairy are you thinking of?

Hmmm…probably autumn or winter…not sure. What kind of powers can they have? I did look at the world info, but I want to hear it from you.

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Anything you want really. They can be a leader/ ruler( meant to lead people) I am open to all powers as long as it’s not things like life and death (no bring people back to life or creating life out of nothing)

Winter fairies- I tend to think have a power related to their cold environment.

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Righ…totally OP.

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Ok, She’s a winter fairy with the power of darkness control, named Darcy. (Because it gets darker faster during winter :slightly_smiling_face:)

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That ok?

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That’s fine :smiley:

How many are we allowed to reserve?

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As many as you want to. I have no limit at the moment

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Awesome. Can I reserve one winter, one autumn, and one spring?

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Sure :slight_smile:

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Darcy literally means dark one in French

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it fit her power perfectly :slight_smile::eagle:

Exactly! That was the plan! :smiley:

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So is there only 1 leader for each season?

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Can I reserve a summer fairy? :thinking::rose::two_hearts:

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Let me know when you make the Rp thread

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