thenk uu
How is everyone?
pretty good… how’r u doing?
Im pretty good.
sorry in advance for my lack of communication skills
thats good… doing anything fun today?
oh btw u can call me Chrissy or Tina if u want
No your all good no im just being bored at home. What about you Tina?
just homework lol
also trying to think of fairy tale characters who aren’t taken
That is the real struggle.
it is tho
okay sorry but… idk ur texting style but the periods are worrying me u okay or is that just something u do?
Oh that’s just how I type usually not mad or anything I can leave them off if you prefer
Yeah it really is a struggle
nono u do u I was just making sure you were good
I’ll keep it in mind
yeah im ok I will try and keep my periods to a minimum lol
aww no now I feel bad
plz now that I know ur all good lol
No its fine I only do it because my mom is an English teacher so like punctuation was kind of drilled on me its all good.
oh lol sorry
It’s probably a good thing in the wrong run tho
Well yes and no but anyway do you wan help trying to find a fairy tale that isn’t taken?