`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

"Ok let me say it now, I d-d-don- Kristi stuttered, again. This was getting under Quills skin, though she didn’t feel this in an angry way. “What is this? A proposal? D-d-do.” Quill rolled her eyes. Aquila though about her word choice. First, I tell her I like her, she teases me with it, then I say it sounds like a FREAKING PROPOSAL? that’s like, really weird right? Or is it not? Aww! That’s what it sounds like at least." Quill said, turning a light shade of pink. “You know what, I will need a drink.Same, really. Quill told herself mentally. She jumped the slightest bit as the small glass appeared in mid air. “Look smurf, dart frog, blueberry, blue icing or whatever nicknames i’ve give bypu. I do-do-do.” Quill couldn’t hold herself together anymore. “You don’t what?! Like me? You don’t like this situation? You-” Quill quieted herself. “You didn’t say don’t.” Quill said softly.

Really? Try then. Sure me to trick and disappear from my eyes forever” Wei Ming smirked. “Did I pique the mysterious strangers curiosity? Now, now, I could be saying the handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, whichever you prefer, stranger if you’d just let me see that potentially pretty face of yours.” Wei Ming said, brushing off the actual disappearing part.

And i’m strong willed” A sneaky smile pinned both of his cheeks up. “Would it be weird if I said that was attractive?” Wei Ming shrugged. “Well, I found that rather attractive.” He said winking, even if his mysterious stranger wouldn’t see it.
