`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔


“What is this? A proposal? D-d-do.” Kristi coughed, replacing her brooding face with a smirk she said “Do you want it to be a proposal?” Thank Ekwensu, Kristi knew how to tease to conge the subject . Drinking her water, Kristi looked at smurf “You want a drink?” she asked. *“You don’t what?! Like me? You don’t like this situation? You-" Kristi cringed from her loud voice, lowing her voice quill said “You didn’t say don’t.” Kristi coughed and looked for a way to change the subject. As if hearing her prayers, the bell rang. It was time for lunch, Kristi stood up “Well we better go for lunch. Come with me so you can pay for my food” Kristi snickered.

@eunoia - We can go to lunch now with Kristi and Quill and buy the tickets-

“Did I pique the mysterious strangers curiosity? Now, now, I could be saying the handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, whichever you prefer, stranger if you’d just let me see that potentially pretty face of yours.” Haldir was sure this man was deaf. Haldir had repeatedly told him to leave him a lone but he was really stupid and dumb. Also, why wasn’t the teacher doing anything about this?

. “Would it be weird if I said that was attractive?” Haldir rolled his eyes, what was he playing at? “Well, I found that rather attractive.” . “Please don’t” Haldir said.
