`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

“Good girl, well done.” Cinder said, popping a chocolate dipped strawberry into her own mouth as she watched the girl chomp happily. She reminded Cinder of the hell hounds. They were probably the one thing she missed, not that she couldn’t call on them if she ever needed them, but that was kind of frowned upon and often wound up getting a Fury on your a**.
The purring was weird, but by now Cinder had just excepted that whoever this girl was she was not the normal kind, and it was fun to have a pet.
“I like you. You are pretty and have food.”
Cinder snorted. “Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself, Pup.” tilting her head curiously she debated if stroking the girls silky black hair would result in her loosing fingers or ruining this trust-based-on-food-and-looks relationship they had clearly instated. She decided against it, liking having fingers at the end of the day. They were very useful when Cinder wanted them to be.
“So,” Cinder mused, tossing the leaves of the strawberry into the grass, “are there any other tricks you can do? Lie down and play dead maybe? How about shake?”

Outside the Castleteria
With Dawn