If Adelaide was a real girl, she would surely be blushing at Garçon’s words, reddening under his intense stare, mind ballooning with thoughts at the way his lips twisted into a playful smirk, eyes wide at the words he spoke to her. ”Gee should I leave you two alone?” His third wheel of a table-mate interrupted, muttering darkly. Garçon turned away from Adelaide to see a somewhat hurt looking boy, lip tucked behind his teeth, looking unamused with the show Garçon was putting on for him. Smirking, his eyes flicked back to the invisible girl. He paused, appearing to mull it over before asking her, “What do you think about that, Adelaide?” As another joke. He nodded, then tapped his finger against his chin as if listening to her response. “Nah, you’re good.” Surely this boy would be impressed with his wit and humor. Garçon was only joking, it was revealed in his eyes, which shimmered as he waited for some sort of admiration or praise for his “abilities”. This was a lot of fun. But there was someone else he was much more interested in being alone with…
The boy turned away, looking at his meal with newfound interest, as if it held much more intrigue than having a conversation with Garçon did. He stabbed his shiny utensil into the dish, while Garçon stared. He didn’t mean to stare and come off as creepy or stalkerish. But he had finally found the boy from the carnival, and he was still drinking hm in. He looked even more handsome than that night. His face had been dimly lit by purple and blue lantern light, body hidden by the backs of carnival attendees. Here, despite in a drier corner, he could see every detail, every speckle, every twist and turn of chestnut hair, every long eyelash. Garçon felt filled with a passion unlike any other. A desire to know more, a desire to piece together everything about him, who he was, what he was like, why he was here… Who exactly was the boy who he had such feelings for? With only knowing his perfect face? Unfortunately, he had to wait a little bit more for that.
The oh began to violently cough to which Garçon’s hand flew to his shoulder. It was almost natural, something he did with concerned brown eyes, trying to comfort the person, silently asking whether they were okay. His heart skipped a beat realizing he was touching the carnival boy. He was solid, he was real, not some whimsical figure of Garçon’s imagination. Besides, he’d leaned a bit closer to the boy across from him, adding wood to the flame of desire that filled his body. The boy took a drink, and Garçon watched, still looking slightly concerned, though less-he was no longer hacking and wheezing. “You okay there? Don’t go dying on me” He teased charmingly, patting the boy’s shoulder but forgetting to remove his hand. Not when I’ve finally found you. Gosh, he was being quite the romantic. Dae would tease him mercilessly. But then again, would Dae have to know? Why did he look so alarmed? Brown doe eyes resembled those of a deer in headlights. It was a slightly extreme reaction in Garçon’s eyes. But then again, he was called “Drama King” by near all of his friends, so he wasn’t one to talk. ”Ae you the…Wait a second…Does your name mean ‘guy’?” A skeptical gaze brushed across Garçon’s chiseled face He didn’t mind the expression, he was focused on being under his gaze.
He chuckled, used to the question. Was this the reason he had choked up? “Yup, all three of them.” He said casually rolling his eyes and tossing his hair. “My parents have quite a sense of humor.” A fond smile graced his lips as he thought of his parent’s faces. He liked his name, and held no resentment towards either of them. This boy was obviously French like Garçon, not only was each and every word glazed with a soft accent, he’d first seen him in a French village. Grégorie Leclair. The name exploded and repeated itself in Garçon’s head, like fireworks, the same color of those carnival lanterns. “Grégorie Leclair.” He couldn’t help but exhale the name aloud. “That’s quite a lovely name…I can’t understand why anyone would make fun of it,” He cocked his head, expression somewhat empathetic. “But kids can be pretty stupid, right? Anyways, it’s my pleasure to meet you, Grégorie.” The hand on Grégorie‘s shoulder was held out for a handshake.
@sunflower_flow - grégorie : OMG REALLY?! Not as clever as the Christmas tree analysisssss~ anyways i need to react but i think i should catch up on replies first (IM SO STUPID BAHAHA) ANYWAYS DONT WORRY!!! And yours was so good, I hope I was able to match in every single way!! Gregorie is so funnyyyy and hot oop