`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Lunchroom ||Hrvoje ||
Small steps motivate. Big steps overwhelm- Maxime Lagacé

“I’m sure you miss home. You have this glow about you, so I think it’s not the place you miss as much as the people who you made your home. Your parents, your friends, your lovers.” Alawa blinked at the lovers part, “Oh i’m single” if she wasn’t her elder siblings might have drove him or her away and tell her to wait until she is ‘30’. Alawa giggled at the thought, they could be quite silly. “But, I can teach you, but I can’t promise you’ll pick up on it. It’s not hard to learn to play it, but it is hard to master it. You can learn the scale on a piano, but it doesn’t mean you can play Lizst or enjoy playing it at all.” Alawa gave a bright smile, “I’ll try to make the best of it!” she said. And she would, Alawa loved making the best out of everything, she was the type of person that after constant times of failing would still smile and cheer. “Well everybody noticed when I played it, so I don’t think continuing playing in here would be wise, especially if you never handled a stringed instrument before because you might annoy them by plucking every string and reciting the scales. So … what do you say to taking our lunch somewhere outdoorsy where we can’t bother anybody, nobody can bother us, and Ja-Ja could stretch his tiny little paws in the green grass of the meadow, also … unbothered by us or anybody?” Alawa smiled, “SURE!” she screamed, she lowered her voice down “oops” she giggled, “Though i’m not sure of ja-ja, he seems scared of you and is acting like how he would act around predators. I don’t understand why.” she said confused

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Hrvoje