`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

Lunchroom ||Hrvoje ||
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”-Maya Angelou

When Hrvoje turned her to stay away from him Alawa shook her friend, she had just made a new friend and she wasn’t willing to let him good. “No! I can help you go through this, and I can make my parents get something to protect me and Ja-ja.” Alawa didn’t want to let go, she didn’t care he was a werewolf and what his father had done, Alawa believed he could control himself and he would learn how to control himself better than his father. He just needed to focus and Alawa could help him, “I’ve studied a lot about werewolf so if things gets to intense, I know what to do.” Alawa whimpered, “Please don’t go.” She said softly sniffling, “I just made a new friend and I don’t want you to go.” She gave him a cute puppy eyes, “Please, I can help you, I know I can.”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - hrvoje