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Kace gave a light chuckle as he looked down at his black leather boots then met her eyes again with his. “I’ve never found the appeal, ya know? Besides, how else would I sing, ‘These Boots Were Made Fer Walking’ as I strolled down the halls?”
Callie shook her head defensively and Kace lifted up his hands in some sort of surrender, letting out a short-winded laugh in response. “H-hey, it was just a joke,”
After you-
Kace put a fist to his mouth and cleared his throat as he moved himself away from the table. “Listen. About the other night, I uh…” he glanced over at Namen who had already moved on to talking to another girl in class (no doubt for the jewels that hung around her neck.) This was Namen just trying to get under his skin. Nonetheless, Callie seemed like she’d easily accept an invite from him to mess around and never talk again. It was an easy win win.
“I was a real lame excuse for a human being. Sorry about that. But…”
Princey boy was about to make another attempt. Kace was going to take his shot. He placed his hands on the tables surface and leaned forward towards Callie, his head tilted slightly as his eyes captured hers. She had pretty gorgeous eyes, he wouldn’t deny that.
“How risky are you feeling today princess?”
@ethereal - eeeek, I’ve missed this gal!!!
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“You’re telling me our plan lies in the balance of these two idiots falling in love?” Arissa said with a disgusted look. She wasn’t sure why the notion annoyed her, but she could care less about buttering up some spoiled prince to marry an equally privileged princess.
Adonis shrugged as he took a sip of his wine, his lips pressing into a thin line. “An alliance means we won’t have to deal with dramatics later on. Both of them would be ideal. But if you can’t handle it-” she snatched the glass from his hand and lifted her brow. “I didn’t say I couldn’t handle it.” She took a drink before handing it back and rolling her neck from side to side. “They’re children who have no desire to be married. What makes you think a couple of knives I threaten to shove into their eyes will change that?”
“You’re a fan of Eros, aren’t you?”
Arissa lifted a brow.
Adonis chuckled and placed himself at her side. “A well placed assumption considering your favorite past time.”
Eros and Arissa’s mother certainly had their fair share of complications; but just as Ares could not be without Aphrodite, so it was with Eros and Eris it seemed.
“What? You want me to ask Eros for a little love potion? I hate to break it to you dear, but mother has already put up a huge avoid at all costs on my name where the Gods are involved.”
Adonis gave a small yet amused smile as he grabbed her lightly by the waist and leaned forward. “Amius Cupid, the son of Eros is quite conveniently in your next class. Should be simple. Offer him a gold coins or even a dangerous night.”
Arissa slid her hand up his chest and wrapped it around his neck, tilting her head upward. “And why is this something specifically for me to do?” She stated, almost defensively. Arissa worked for herself. The only reason she was even taking orders from this guys was for herself. Yet she always found herself in the same situation: she’d do the dirty work on the side while Adonis hid most of the more important matters to himself.
“Because rumor has it the guy’s not necessarily…like his father.”
“How so?”
“He hates love.”
Arissa let out a laugh at the irony.
“I know how convincing you can be,” Adonis said, leaning down and planting a soft kiss onto her lips. Stroking her ego was an excellent move on his part. There was nothing the daughter of discord and chaos loved more.
She could care less about the schools stupid uniforms. She’d gotten away with it all of last year and would easily get away with it again. She stepped into class, chewing her bottom lip as her eyes wandered. She spotted familiar faces like Namen who quickly avoided her eyes when she stepped in. It caused her to smile mischievously. She realized the only issue was she didn’t necessarily know what Amius was supposed to look like, and she wasn’t entirely sure how he would react to her proposal; perhaps asking for an Amius out loud would cause him to be defensive. She reveled in the stares she was getting from both males and females as she strut to the back of the room, arms crossed as she eyed each individual curiously. A noisy guy chewing his chips as if they were rocks caused her to look over before she tried to regain her focus. If she wasn’t so busy, he was certainly someone she’d play around with. She decided she’d wait until the professor called on names instead. She placed herself lazily in a seat in the back and steadied her chin on the palm of her hand, leaning forward as boredom quickly hit her. The sound of chips hit her ears again and she glanced over, blinking a few times before lifting a brow over at him. “Watch it hot stuff; You’re taking the whole ‘full and complete breakfast’ to a completely different level.”
@CrazyCaliope - heheheheh, in case you couldn’t tell…i totally winged this. So if any ideas start popping up into yer mind, lemme know
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Thea tried to keep her cool after the frustrating phone call she’d just gotten off of. There was absolutely no need for it; her brother had simply called to stupidly remind her that he was there, the title of heir to the throne still proudly placed on his shoulders, and she was here, expected to find a prince to be married off to in order to build their kingdom’s alliances and power. Her expression was serious as she walked down the halls, avoiding looks and others around her.
The book that slammed her head completely came out of nowhere, and a loud and embarrassing yelp escaped her lips. She gasped and bent over, picking up a large book from the ground and then looking back and forth. The hall was practically empty expect for one little boy angrily eating food he’d gotten from the castleria.
“Di-did you just throw this at me?” She stated in unbelief, shaking the book in his direction.