`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

AILBHE - GARDENS with Valencia

“Well, I don’t want to give anyone anything to be suspicious of. It’s just better to blend in and deal with issues in mundane ways.”
Ailbhe shrugged. “Eh, fair enough. Depends how deep you want to delve in with the mortals, I guess.” Herself, Ailbhe liked messing with humanity, but rarely formed any actual connections. they were just entertainment in the end; and a part of her father’s job. He was like a farmer, in the end, and humanity was his sheep. You don’t really care what your sheep think of you, after all.
“The best revenge is a life well-lived.”
Ailbhe laughed, shaking her head at that. “Gotta agree to disagree there,” She said. “I find revenge is very fun when you actually do something with it, rather than waiting for the other to grow old.”
“Besides, if they really p!ss me off we can most definitely get into a fight in which I’ll win.”
There’s your fun side,” Ailbhe pointed out, grinning. “Pay more attention to that, and you won’t have to spend 90% of your life waiting for someone else to die.”
Glancing at her watch, Ailbhe noted that classes had already started. Oh well. They probably won’t miss me, same as everyone else. She didn’t allow the inner frown that wanted to come forwards mar her expression, burying it deep, with all the other ones.

@katabasis - Valencia


Cameron chuckled as Bay licked her plate. She really liked it then.
As they dived back into the ocean, Cameron watched as Bay’s head swivelled around them protectively. I guess I didn’t tell her that the fish was down deep, did I. The water was beautiful this time of day - crisp and cool, but with the rainbows of the sun’s morning rays shining through the surface. As the pair resurfaced, Cameron walking out onto the sands - soaked through but wide awake and exhilarated, and Bay dragging herself out until her body was clear of the water. Not wanting her to have to spend the day in sand riddled uniform, Cameron bent over and scooped her up before she was fully beached, allowing her to shift to her human form out in the air.
“Hey, Cam! I wanna show you something!”
Setting Bay down again, Cameron lifted an eyebrow. “Oh? What’d that be?” He asked, grinning, but also completely unsure.

@ethereal - why thoooo. Also I hope u don’t mind the picking up thing, I thought it’d be cute XD


Meabh watched as Ms Lim’s welcoming smile wavered at their statement. Ah f^ck, she doesn’t speak it.
“It will be okay. I am here to help you, and so are your other teachers.” The teacher tilted her head, “And if you’d like, I am always willing to help you with English after school.”
Meabh grimaced, shaking her head. “I will manage, thank you.” She said, slowly, checking her phone quickly as she did so to make sure she got it right. Recording the teacher on google translate was a handy way of figuring out what she said. Glancing behind herself, Meabh looked to see what Neisha was doing during this. Her sister’s eyes gleamed back at her in amusement. Ah Jesus. I’m never gonna hear the end of this from her.

@ethereal - Ms Lim
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Aoife
ORP - sry not much dialogue, I wasn’t sure what she’d say.


“I hope you’re right because all alone just adds to the pain but everyone is too much for me to handle.”
Colm smiled. “Doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Having one or two people is enough for most people.” Olive had been enough for him, although Colm did like going to pubs and the like at times, to play games and have fun. He tilted his head as Brooks explained their weird plastic thing. “Cool,” he said, before quickly backtracking. “Well, not so cool about your lungs, but it’s cool that your plastic thing helps.”
Colm leaned back against the wall as Brooks continued talking, carefully listening. “It will take a while to learn to trust people, but it is far from impossible. just takes a bit of time. And showing your flaws is never going to be easy, however by continuing to try, it will get easier, if that makes sense. Keeping up a façade will always be exhausting too, so the better you manage to work through these things, the more you’ll be able to abandon it.” Olive had been like that for a while, constantly in pain but refusing to show it to anyone, even Colm themself. He had helped her through that, and he now hoped to be able to help coax Brooks through this.
“Im still really sorry about everything. I just… my songs are… well that one especially kind of trauma based and I don’t like sharing that kind of thing. You scared me when you heard it because its not something I share for a number of reasons.”
“You don’t need to apologise,” Colm replied, smiling. “it was a natural response to having a crack in your outter shell exposed. You tried to cover it back up and make it as if I had never seen; which is quite normal.” As Brooks pushed their hair out of their eyes, Colm considered some stuff. “I am in no way liscensed to councel you,” He said, “So if you truly want to start getting help I’d advise a therapist or something, however, I get that you might not want to do that, so feel free to come to me any time you want to chat, about anything.”

@bpalmer - Brooks