Today, I woke up in a bad mood. I desperately needed a shower, not only to get myself clean, to get rid of the grease in my hair but to also feel better about myself because today didn’t start of well. However,I notice it’s too late for a shower and I’ll only make it to class if I hurry up and panic, and I remebered what the first period is. As grateful as I am it’s not math, I still have a really bad mood today and having to read right now is not going to help it. I hop in the shower and after the hot water leaves red spots on my skin, I notice it’s too late to join class even if I wanted to. So I dry my hair, brush my teeth and decide to go downstairs to get myself something to eat before I pull out my laptop and enjoy some free time here. I’m thinking of watching youtube, but I could also set up an instagram account considering I still don’t have one. Adding a robe to my pajama ensamble, I walk to Castelaria and buy myself some pancakes and bacon. In the castelaria, while being asked why I’m not in class by the cefeteria ladies, I respond with “I’m sick.” and show my pajamas as if they have something to do with this lie, and then I do a fake cough, not caring if they know it’s fake or not. I take my food and as I’m bringing it up, I heard a noise. Then I noticed the noise was footsteps coming in my direction. I suddenly got afraid of getting caught, so I oppened the big doors and hoped nobody was in there. What I hoped for didn’t happen, there was a person in it, but only one person who looked as afraid as I just was, so I’m assuming he’s nto supposed to be here either. Remebering going back to my dorm might be risky I walked a few steps and asked “Mind if I eat here?” because not only was going back to my dorm risky and stupid, I really didn’t feel like going all that way just to sit down and eat.