`♔ fairytaled | official roleplay thread `♔

-=[ Hadrian ]=-

“Hmm. It must be nice to travel,” they said, shrugging off the conversation as well since it seemed nothing would come of it. “I think Hadrian and Valentina has a nice tone to it, don’t you? Both our names seem regal,” they laughed softly, giving Val an innocent blink. There was no intention of flirting in their tone, but they were leaving it up to interpretation. Hmm, I’d rather not trick anyone into siding with me due to unseemly affections, but I’ll do what I must. Isn’t that just the innate greed of humans?

“Feel what? I don’t believe there is anything here,” There was a taint of nervousness in their tone for once, as if they were slightly worried, but did their best to pass it off. “You do?” Another comment to be taken back by. Already, truly? Honey-coated words really do catch mayflies. They were a bit concerned, everything was going too well, but who cared? Wasn’t that the point of this? “I fear we will make a powerful duo in time, few would enjoy crossing us,” Hadrian commented, a bit more absentmindedly this time. In time, perhaps we could have.

Mount Olympus. The words thundered in their head, fluttering about as memories of godly mythology and mythical powers appeared. Home of the Greek Gods themselves. “Eros? As in the God of Love? That’s quite the parentage to have, do you have proficiency in making others fall in love with archery too?” Their words came off as a joke, but they were hoping it would catch more details of it. Perhaps I did choose well. “But Mount Olympus does sound quite extravagant, I suppose it would be difficult to constantly live around something so bright as you say.” Hadrian paused before turning back to the topic. “Are you all really immortal?” They knew quite a bit about immortality, considering they assumed they were also immortal, but it was interesting to hear the viewpoints others held on it.

@ethereal | Valentina


this is just gonna be one long game of tennis :skull: im thoroughyl entertained tho



- - -image - - - Gardens


Closing the school manual, Marc slowly turned to the side as an unfamiliar voice rose next to him. He had held hope that the book would bear a section on the fauna and flora in the gardens; it didn’t seem to be the case.

“Good morning…” Marc’s voice trailed off slightly as he took in the sight of the man before him. He was tall, very tall, and looked considerably older that the students Marc had come across. There was something about his demeanour that radiated gallantry. Maybe it was his speech, or his general allure, but he seemed to come straight out a courtly novel: it was different in a compelling way, and Marc’s face lit up behind his smile. “Bertram. I go by Marc.”

The flower he’d been looking at -Aquilegia chrysantha, Marc remembered- was showy, fine-textured, and gave off a light, pleasant fragrance. César would probably like it, and maybe the stranger did too. “You seem knowledgeable,” Marc went on, curious about the other’s profession. “Are you a teacher here?”





Meabh raised her eyebrows as Aoife seemed to get angry at the insinuation that she was jealous. Touchy subject.
Raising her hands, defensively, Meabh said, “[Ok, no worries. I guessed wrong then.]” Smiling slightly, she shrugged. Getting away was a fairly good reason.
[“How could she do this to you? What possible explanation is there for that?”]
Meabh shrugged. It was complicated. “[Our mother never showed Neisha much in the way of motherly love, mostly because she was constantly getting into trouble. It was a few years ago, when she finally snapped about it. I just happened to be in the way of her rampage against our Mum. Honestly, I don’t blame her. Mother has crossed more lines than anyone should, let alone family.]” They smiled sadly, remembering vividly Neisha’s screams as Clíodhna had put the chains on her. It was cruel and unnecessary, something Meabh would never forgive her for.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Aoife


Brooks first name

“Cool.” they nodded and realized the question of who they were was coming almost as soon as Colm said it. “Unfortunately my father is Poseidon.” They huffed and rolled their eyes with their response. It wasn’t really directed at Colm but if they took it as directed at them oh well one less person to have to deal with in the future. In the back of Brooks mind they wondered if because this kid was a water fairy thing, he didn’t know much about Kelpie or faes to be honest, if that means that they were somehow related or something. They really didn’t want this kid showing up thinking that they were related or something and bugging the hell out of them. “How unfortunate that I am freed from you by going to class,” Brooks responded sarcastically as they rolled their eyes. Brooks was hoping that as soon as they got up and headed to their separate classes that would be the end of this person in conjunction to him.



“Unfortunately my father is Poseidon.” Colm was stumped at that. They narrowed their eyes in thought. Was this some kind of water dude? Or maybe a fairy. Who knows. “Uh… Who’s Poseidon?” Colm was very curious of this answer. “He must be powerful, judging from your smell,” He added, not really sure if that was an ok thing to say to someone, but not really caring either.
“How unfortunate that I am freed from you by going to class,” Colm laughed as Brooks rolled their eyes. Oh this one does not want company. Too bad. “Ehh I’m sure we have at least one class together, don’t worry,” He joked.

@bpalmer - Brooks


Peck asked her what a fairy looked like, and Aithne shrugged. “Well, mainly little humans with wings. Some are our size without wings. It’s a term, I guess you’d say. Well…I’m not exactly sure a witch could be a fairy…this is hurting my head.” Aithne laughed, rubbing her head. Peck thanked her for not hurting her, and she nodded. “”I’d never hurt anyone on purpose, unless I was being attacked.” Peck shook her hand, left go after shaking twice. Aithne dropped her hands to her sides and smiled. “Who’s your parent? I’d assume something made of straw.”
@CrazyCaliope - Peck




Aric Tremaine // advanced literature

song // body // julia micheals


Macy tapped her fingers against the desk as the boy apologized, her nails making a tapping sound. She noticed him rubbing nervously at her sleeve cuffs, pulling them down to straighten them out. He was nervous being around her, which was… understandable. Macy shrugged at his apology, what was there to be done about it now? Thankfully, the coffee hadn’t spilled on anything too important, just mainly on the edges of the paper and the desk. “It’s fine.”

Macy did realize she was being curt with her responses, but she just wasn’t the person to offer long and detailed responses. “My name’s Macy,” Macy answered to Aric’s question on her name. “No nickname for that.” Progress? It was a longer response than her previous ones. Why was she so awful at providing adequate responses to people? Tremaine… Tremaine sounded familiar. Until it clicked, wasn’t that from Cinderella? Or Sleeping Beauty? One of them… “Is your mother Lady Tremaine, from Cinderella?” Macy asked, finally.

@theblugeek // aric termaine



“What kind of language is that? You know, there’s slang, and then there’s just nonsense, and you are wobbling on that line.”
“Probs salty ‘cause you just don’t understand. Leave now.” He made a shooing motion with one hand while turning over his phone with the other and continuing to scroll.
They laughed in reply, “Already done that, you should try it. I promise it won’t kill you.” But Quillian didn’t even acknowledge that they spoke, he just kept scrolling his phone. Barely paying attention to the shots of himself as his mind imagined ways in which he could torture and kill the person before him. The person, now known as Aesthi, stuck out their hand toward him. “My name’s Aesthi. How about you?”
He didn’t look up from his phone, nor did he have any intention of shake their hand. “Name’s Quillian, remember it,” his greeted them, his tone had turned threatening. “'Cause if you ever come across me alone, without witnesses, I hold no promises that you’ll be able to recount your tales to anyone else.” He sneered.

@Acorn06 - Aesthi - Yes (wink)


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math class // ivan

song // start a war // klergy

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“You know, princess, I’m starting to think there really isn’t any method to it at all.” Aidene realized he didn’t actually understand what they were organized and to that she offered a smug shrug. “There’s always a method to madness.” She picked out the black supplies from the colorful array before handing them back to him. “You’re probably going to need these for class.” She said. Ivan looked up as if to check his hair once Aidene pointed it out, the baseball cap covering most of the hair but still some peeked out of it. “Now who’s checking who out?” Aidene raised an eyebrow, “Still you…I was just looking for something else to burn.” She joked, before leaning back into her seat. “So this is what it feels like-having someone who’s proud of you. Isn’t what I expected.” Aidene laughed at that, as he sighed dramatically. “Is it really ever?” She felt him watch her as she did the problem. She was aware it took her a moment, mostly out of lazy confidence and also because she didn’t have a calculator – but that would’ve ruined the whole point. He checked his watch occasionally while she did it. “Not bad, kiddo.” Aidene didn’t bother telling him to stop calling her that, she knew he was going to call her that whether or not she said something. “I know.” Aidene internally chuckled at his reaction to asking if she could ask him a question. But he still managed to be a good a sport “Sure. Ask away,”, he said while smiling casually. Aidene looked up to the ceiling for a moment as she thought before smiling as she got an idea. She wrote out the problem 3(-2x + 12) = 67, what's x? It wasn’t that hard, in Aidene’s opinion. Just some algebra, it really looked worse than it actually was. “There,” she tapped the paper where she wrote the problem twice in succession. “Take your time.”


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After the boy greeted him with a good morning and his own name, Bertram lifted his head and likewise, said, “Good Morning, Marc. Beautiful day here, is it not?”
The boy seemed friendly enough, even smelled the flower after learning it’s name. Then he stated, "You seem knowledgeable. Are you a teacher here?”
Bertram smiled, shaking his head. “No, no, nothing like that. I’m a student. That’s hard for me to say. It’s my first time being one. I know plants, you see. I’m interested in them. I suppose you could say it’s my hobby. Take the Aquilegia chrysantha here, also know as the Yellow Queen or Golden Columbine. It hasn’t much of a scent, though it is rather pretty.”

@Edelgard - Marc Erlion



“Probs salty ‘cause you just don’t understand. Leave now.”
Aesthi chuckled. “And who do you think you are to be ordering me around?” Xe asked incredulously. This might be the time to flash titles, maybe. Freya would forgive xem for assuming hers, xe was sure.
“Name’s Quillian, remember it,” Quillian’s tone seemed to take on a threatening tone, which just seemed hilarious to Aesthi. * “ 'Cause if you ever come across me alone, without witnesses, I hold no promises that you’ll be able to recount your tales to anyone else.”*
“Sounds fun,” Aesthi replied, grinning, “What time should we meet?”
Xe wasn’t completely serious about this, as there was no telling how dangerous this Quillian could be. However he didn’t seem the type to end someone’s life in an instant, at least. If it came to it, Aesthi figured he’d stand a good chance, especially if he had time to switch forms.

@CrazyCaliope - Quillian



advanced mathamatics // fiona

song // stuck in my ways // jakob

⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅

Beckett laughed at her words, it did sound like a spoiled princess but she didn’t hold that against her. Beckett, although was the person who brought the freshest potatoes, although he was mostly content with his life. As long as the royalty was decent he didn’t complain, after all they were in charge of the kingdom and it’s well-being. Beckett had a feeling that despite Fiona’s ‘spoiled-ness’ that she was a very good royal. At least he hoped so, he thought A’nyce was a nice person but he also did that charm thing to him.

At her response to the idea of breaking the dress code Beckett smiled, well she did, at least follow the rules. She did have a sort of liking to the dress code, maybe that was partially it. “I hate it,” Beckett responded bluntly. “Have you seen this suit,” Beckett motioned to his body as he cried out. “It’s ugh, I hate this. Although the girl’s uniform is somewhat ok.” Beckett relented. Beckett nodded as Fiona rushed to assure him, his face relaxed. “Oh, that’s a relief.” He let out a breath, “There are some terrifyingly toxic mentalities among some of the royals here, it’s scary. But that’s just normal rebelling, although I must say I did more… harrowing things as a kid.” He admitted although his chest puffed a little with pride.

Oui, oui, cela semble avoir été le cas.” Beckett laughed at her sigh of relief. “How interesting,” Beckett commented as she explained German being her mother tongue and her moving. And nodded when she said it was very borrowed. “Too universal if you ask me,” Beckett mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck. Beckett’s bubbly persona did not fade as she replied about grace. He clapped lightly, genuinely, “Bien dit soeur.” Fiona had a way with English words that Beckett could only aspire to have. “Any tips for a klutz like me?”

Beckett cocked his head to look at the doodles on the page, “Ah, beautiful drawings.” He pulled out a notebook of his own, "I sketch clothes, not art per se, but still. It becomes art when worn on the right person.

Dress Sketch

@Secreterz // Fiona // hehe yesyes

⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅⋆* :coffee: ˚⁺⑅


“Well, mainly little humans with wings. Some are our size without wings. It’s a term, I guess you’d say. Well…I’m not exactly sure a witch could be a fairy…this is hurting my head.” Aithne laughed, rubbing her head. She was explain what a fairy looked like.
“WOW. They have wings? Like you? That’s sooo cool. The witches in Oz can fly too, but not with wings. They use bubbles and brooms. But some are really bad, no, wicked witches too. One wants to pull me and my daddy apart.” She shivered.
“I’d never hurt anyone on purpose, unless I was being attacked.” She smiled. “Who’s your parent? I’d assume something made of straw.”
“That’s good, 'cause I really don’t want to be hurt or burnt. My daddy is the Scarecrow. Do you know about the land of Oz?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Aithne


Aithne smiled when Peck called it cool. “Thank you, I think so too!” Peck explained the Witches, and she shuddered. “Oh no! That’s not good. I’m glad you’re ok.” Aithne said, worriedly. Peck said who her father was, and Aithne shook her head. “I’ve never heard of Oz. Can you tell me about it?”
@CrazyCaliope - Peck


|| Castleteria ||⚜️|| With Mei ||

“I was just wondering what you were drawing. Not everyone’s out to get you, you know.”

”Never said they were” they said in response and closed their sketchbook, picking up their glass in apple juice, completely avoiding the girl’s gaze. ”But I do like my privacy” they added, in a remarks hinting how they didn’t appreciate the question and comment.

“Jeryn. That’s nice name. Where’s it from?”
”I think it’s French?” they answered ”It came from my parents obviously. Isn’t that where all baby names come from?”



|| Literature ||🔮|| With Danko ||

“What’s your name?” the boy asked, after introducing himself Danko Mirror. "Kieran
He answered his question, telling him his name as well.
“No, no, I won’t take your seat, nor seat there. It’s yours, there’s not that much room. Sorry.”
The boy seemed as if something was stopping him from sitting, though Kieran couldn’t seem to tell what it was. something subconsciously making him doubt his decisions as if some godly fist was about to come and punish him for making the wrong choice. **Well then… Danko," he started, crossing his legs as he watched Danko moving around the desk trying to find a different seat “You can sit here, if you want. I don’t bite… only sometimes” he added with a smirk on his lips. He couldn’t tell what it was, but something about him intrigued Kieran as if there was a story there, or a secret… something interesting.

@CrazyCaliope - Danko


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Outside the Castleteria // Theodosia

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Clementine Knaveheart. He liked the way it sounded on paper, Clementine also liked how disarrayed closet looked, stuffed with clothes of every color and fabric imaginable. Dresses, Skirts, Suits and Shirts all lined the closet from beginning to end. He wanted to wear one of them, but the stupid school had a stupider dress code. Clementine supposed the outfits were okay but he didn’t want to wear them. Clementine did want he wanted, no two ways about it. Clementine’s short stature was apparent in the oversized clothes, they did have his size but he liked when his clothes were too big. He hated tight clothes.

Clementine sighed, they were big enough to look loose on him but not quite baggy. Once finished staring in the mirror for not a second longer than needed Clementine picked up his blanket and threw it over the mirror. Clapping his hands, Clementine looked towards the door of his room, and waddled his way to the Castleteria as his stomach rumbled to the sky’s above. When he reached the Castleteria, frowning at the prices before picking up food, piling protein bars, pancakes and bacon onto his plate, followed by large class of orange juice. Clementine was supposed to pay, but life and as far as he was concerned he didn’t see the cash register. After all, who could believe the 9-year-old looking teenager with big eyes a short brown hair would ever try to steal from the big and pretty school??

Balancing the plate in his hands he sneaked out of the Castleteria, waddling with two plates of food that were spelled to be invisible and a large backpack one of the teachers gave him, slowing his escape. However, he reached outside the Castleteria. Taking a deep breath Clementine sat down, back against the wall, next to large plant overshadowing the small child. He was starving, the plates faded back into visibility as he picked up a fork and began to eat his stolen goods. His eyes flicked around the quiet area of the hallway before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a book he stole from the library. Finally, he could find out what happened to –

Or not, because the book went flying against the hallway. A red-faced Clementine sighed after having thrown the book across the hallway. He stabbed his fork into his food. How stupid was he to pick up the wrong book. Clementine saw the book hit someone but he didn’t really care, moping about how he would never know if his favorite character finally took over the world.

@jaytastic // Theodosia // Yes he hit her with the book <3

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|| Mathematics || :rose: || With Robin ||

“I’m sorry if you’re expecting a call or message and I’m keeping from that. I can leave you to it if you’d like?”
“No don’t worry, I just had a notification” she said with a light smile, putting her phone on the desk as they apologised and said they could leave. “You don’t have to leave unless you want to” she said “I wouldn’t want that” she added with a small playful smirk on her lips.

”How interesting, I like horses very much as well, nothing I like more than going for a ride. Horse and a wide variety of insects would be mine."
Audelia listened and let out a subtle grossed face as they mentioned insects, she didn’t like insects and couldn’t really see how anyone could… they were gross.
Insects? really?" she commented, checking if that was maybe supposed to be a joke or something.

@CrazyCaliope - Robin


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Advanced Literature Classroom // with Saciente


Had that been the right thing to say? Abdiel De Lacey looked back down at their -now half empty- cup of coffee, hoping their new classmate didn’t think they were weird for associating her with a warm drink. It had seemed like a fitting comparison at the time, at least.

Lucky for them, that didn’t seem to be the case. If anything, their classmate seemed to appreciate it. Her enthusiastic “Thank you!” giving them the courage to look up at her again, just in time to appreciate the slight pink tinge in her cheeks. That was weird, their father’s cheeks never changed colours like that. But Abdiel couldn’t let that distract them from what Saciente was saying now

“Is this your first year here? It’s mine, I don’t really leave home much.” Abdiel smiled softly as she talked. She was energetic, which was something they weren’t used to. But it wasn’t so bad. Abdiel wouldn’t have minded it if more people back ‘home’ were like that.“I’m really excited, though.”

Her excitement was contagious. “So am I,” Abdiel replied. Maybe having Saciente be the first person they talked to at Once Upon a High was a good sign. “Although, I am unsure of what to expect.” Saciente was new as well, so they couldn’t expect her to help them with that. “However, meeting someone as kind as you can only indicate there are good things to await for.” Maybe she could help them get an idea of what a school was like. “Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to?”

∘₊✧────────── •✦• ──────────✧₊∘


Ervic let out a massive groan as he sat up in his dorm bed this morning. Not only because he was stuck at this bloody school for year, but he had also woken with a funny fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach. Yesterday had been an interesting one. On the one hand, he had met an accomplice who was as bloodthirsty and evil as he was. Someone who he had accompanied to town and killed three people with. He had captured the little girl (Ivy) and an older couple while she, Coco, had cooked them up. They had been truly wicked and it felt marvelous. On the other hand, those feeling that he and Coco had shared for each other, were something unexplainable, something he’d never experienced. It was… pericular.

Ervic and Coco had said good night after returning from town and agreed to meet for breakfast in the Castleteria. As he thought about it this morning, part of him didn’t want to be going, wanting to disappear from school and his feelings. Thought another part of him wanted to see her again, hold her hand, even… kiss her.
NO. Wait. What was happening to him? This wasn’t wicked, this was strange. This was something else!

Ervic changed into the stupid and ridiculous male uniform that Pretty had laid out on his bed while he showered. He slicked his hair in his usual style, and threw on his favourite oversized trenchcoatover the uniform with his black combat boots. Pretty, his pet flying monkey, jumped on his shoulder, but he placed him back on the bed and told him he had to stay here. This saddened him that Pretty wouldn’t be with him, but at least he was at the school. He wouldn’t have been able to cope with the year away without him.

Leaving his room, on the spot, Ervic appeared inside the castleteria in an instant… in a cloud of green smoke. Suddenly his heart began to race and it was getting warmer for him. Ervic gulped and pulled awkwardly at his collar as he looked around for Coco.

@Chocolate_Mama - Ready for Coco