Fake Friends + Dealing with Them

You hate 'em or you hate 'em :star_struck:

Fake friends :clap: A common experience one too many people meet. Fake friends are not good for you, take it from me they are not someone good for you ):

Signs of a Fake Friend

  • They consistently and constantly lie to you
  • They sell you out
  • You cannot trust them with anything
  • Constantly envious of you and your achievements
  • Are constantly critical and purposefully put you down (not as a joke)
  • Enjoy gossiping and drama especially pertaining to you
  • Selfish, they don’t care about you
  • They have no commitment with you or your plans
  • Talk about you behind your back
  • Only sweet when they need you to do something for them
  • Will always prefer other people over you

Of course this doesn’t catch everything and not everything here applies to every relationship but these are definitely good tells of a fake friend.

If you have a fake friend

  • Be transparent about how you feel and why
  • If they continue after set boundaries set some distance
  • Begin to remove them from your life and be clear about why
  • Employ the Gray Rock method: “It’s a matter of making yourself as boring, nonreactive and unremarkable as possible — like a gray rock…More importantly, remain as emotionally unresponsive to their pokes and prods as you can possibly allow yourself”
  • If they continue to harrass and bother you after you made it clear you don’t want them to be around, block them ad report them

Can a fake friend become a real friend

  • Yes but I don’t encourage it, they have to iniate the change on their own
  • You trying to change them is more effort that you don’t need to put in
  • The longer you spend time with a fake friend, the longer your fake friend boundaries are established, and the harder it becomes to turn a fake friend into a real friend.

Getting over a friend breakup

  • Know who your true friends are, connect with them and don’t lose sight of them

    • Real friends give us their attention and are present to our needs.
    • They support us when we are feeling down.
    • True friends are genuine and keep their promises.
    • They are there for you even if they can’t get something from you.
    • They accept your flaws.
    • They actively listen rather than focus on themselves.
    • True friends make us want to become better.
  • Safe guard your energy, don’t waste it on remiscing or things like that, spend it on people and activities you love

  • Let go on the past and focus on the future

Now on to discussing and talking

  1. Have you had a fake friend?
  2. How did it impact you?
  3. What did you do about it?
  4. How is it impacting you now?
  5. Any stories or warnings you would like to share?

:sparkles: Love yourself everyone, you deserve it! :heart:




Ummm it was a big impact. I’ve had two fake friends here and then two irl so far. Spilled my secrets and disrepected me.

I dropped them and tried to forget ab it

I pick my friends wisely now- I dont consider everyone my friend anymore

A warning is if they appear to be jealous of you or the things you do but I rather not share the stories.

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Added some tags. :dizzy:


It didn’t impact me because I hardly tell them anything :sweat_smile:

I don’t like interacting with fake people so I dropped them.

I don’t have friends and I’m better off that way tbh.

Umm- if you want friends, I guess must choose wisely and um I’d say no to having friends.

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She told me false things about my friends.

It lasted 2 years!! Almost 3 if I hadn’t finally dumped her.

Idc about her, but I’m the same person except I have anxiety. That was one of the reasons I stopped being happy-do-lucky. And I’m friendless :clown_face:

Nope - but I’m pretty open about it sooooo you can dm me

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also I said her irl name on a thread…is that allowed?

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Manyyy :star_struck:

I had constant fights with them and my mental health was… well, bad.


I don’t have any fake friends and I’m happy sooo

Ples yeet them away as soon as possible.

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Yes I had a couple.

It didn’t make a impact on me since my life changes after 2010

Nothing but just report their social media account every once in the while.

I still get nightmares from my past friends but music kinda help me relax.

Yes, I had one friend who called me a harassment and stalker. Seriously I don’t need a friend who spread rumors.

Teacher didn’t do nothing about it. If you don’t want to be harassed by inappropriate behavior in any school, is taking online school.

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nice topic

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yes her name starts with m-

nothing. bcz it was on a forum

hate messaged

it isnt impacting me at all. i even feel great bcz now i dont have to talk with that person


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but on the swf

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Thank you. Thought it would be a good way to add forum activity (:

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True friends stab you in the front.

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