Favorite and least favorite scenes to write

Favorite: Fun dialogue exchanges between characters, or when they’re just ranting about random things. Family interactions!

Least favorite: “Transition” dialogues to end one scene or start another.

What about everyone else?


I actually really don’t like seeing simple dialogue scenes, because they don’t have events to help me think about what’s going on :eyes:

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Favourite: When I have to write dialogues for the BFF who’s too interested in the MC’s sex/romantic life lol

Those are really hilarious

Favorite: romance/fights

Least favorite: small talk :nauseated_face:

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Added some tags! :sparkles:

Ooh, I hate small talk. I prefer deep conversations that last for a while. All that, “Hey, how are you doing?” “I’m good, and you?” “Good” has got to go.:point_up:t4:

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Romance and sad scenes are my favorite to write! I’m just a hopeless romantic and very sensitive and emotional so that’s really easy for me, I quite enjoy it!

But least favorite? I don’t know. I don’t write something I don’t like

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I absolutely hate writing Romance Scenes. Ones where they’re already a couple and there’s no embarrassing conversations or blushing, or shying away from something.
Which is funny because I love writing scenes where it’s very obvious that the two like each other, or one likes the other, but no feelings have been discussed yet.


What scenes do you absolutely love writing, and which scenes feel like a chore to you, @Writers?
I love writing scenes where there is a big reveal, or something crucial happens in the story.
I don’t like writing small talk.

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Time skips. I really don’t like writing them. Conversation and descriptions, intros and settings are fine, but doing small or large time skips between scenes, I can’t stand them. SIGH!


Maybe Eualya will change this :smirk:

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I can’t seem to get a hang on multi-paragraphs, descriptions, and starting a thread. I don’t mind doing dialogue and everything else.

Starting a thread?

Tense conversations and time-skips.

Least favorite, small talk. It feels like filler to me.

Yup, one year later and this is still my answer. If I can’t include some kind of romance into what I’m writing I immediately get bored

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