Favourite ice cream flavours 🍨

What’s your favourite ice cream flavour(s)?

Mine is oreo and cookies and cream and…actually everything except for strawberry and mint ewwww asdnjskndwjk. :joy:


Coconut milk ice-cream.

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Never heard of that but okk.

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Chocolate, choc-chip & mint choc chip :leaves::chocolate_bar::cookie:

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Dulce de leche
Cookie dough

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All the unusual ones, like…
-Salted caramel brownie
-Triple chocolate with almonds
-Taro root
-Caramel latte
-Banana (chunky monkey especially)


This is my favorite


My fav I really don’t know but I usually take chocolate btw if I m not able to decide which one the. I take all mix :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I used to like mint (still do) but now idk what my favorite is, but I think I like chocolate more.

Is all of them an answer, because yes. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But If I had to choose it’s green apple, weird I know.

Mine is vanilla and I will fight you if you say it’s boring :joy:



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I love lemon ice cream. Like everyone I know finds it disgusting…like what’s wrong with you? :upside_down_face::lemon:

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cookie doughhhhh

Chocolate :chocolate_bar::yum::heart::rose::two_hearts:

Chunky Monkey, by far.

Favorite non Ben and Jerry’s would have to be cookies and cream :yum:

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The GOAT for me is:

But I’m a vegan now and sadly they don’t make a vegan version of that flavor also I’m not a big fan of vegan B&J. Oatly is by far my favorite non dairy ice cream brand, I like grinding up Oreos and mixing them into the Vanilla, the strawberry flavor is really good too.


I love love mint chocolate chip!!

I’m not vegan but I really do like their products and company because when I run out of regular milk it’s a pretty good substitute XD

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I like strawberry and raspberry! :icecream::strawberry:

Lemon, strawberry, raspberry, mango, cookies, peanut caramel, strawberry cheesecake and a few others I forgot to mention :eyes::sparkles:

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