Flesh Out Your Characters

Question Twenty-Four:

How would your character court the person of their dreams?

Question Twenty-Five:

What is the most important rule your character lives by?

@RPers, do you want to help flesh out your RP, SG, or story characters?


Not really. at the moment she doesn’t even want to leave the house unless she’s with Loraine because of recent events.

Well, she would keep doing what she’s doing now, after all, she’s engaged to him already. but she did it by just reading him like a normal person, not a gang leader, a damn rich person or anything like that.

whatever you do, make sure you’ll survive it. :joy:

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oh boy. She’d probably stalk them. Not maliciously, she’s just not sure how to court people correctly.

Ruby Danvers from Blue Royalty

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I’m gonna join this thread soon. Let me just post my characters first.


a fantasy world of Las Levendas

Captian blah Hook - no one knows his first name - just a little joke for all of the musical nerds out there



I didn’t know it was Christian Bale, by the way. And then it hit me. I was shook, guys

2. Bill Gilbert Jangles

a fantasy world of Las Levendas

And a musical line: And her heart beat SOOOO loud!


His name is
 Mika, I believe? Not sure, not sure. But I know he’s a singer! Right

3. Gaston Brice LeGume

a fantasy world of Las Levendas

We all know this one: wHeN I WAs a LaD I aTE FOuR dOZeN egGs eVERy MoRnIng to hELP mE geT laRgE. BUT nOW thAT I’M gROwn I EAT fiVE DOzen eGGs


Yes, you are right, I did use Luke Evans as FC for Gaston. I’m just that uncreative. I’m aware, lmao

Can I answer the questions in the next post? Cause this one is already confusing, I think, haha

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No worries. (wink)

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Ketziah Drake

World: modern

Question 1:
The person she’s closest to would have to be her older brother Kasper. Despite the fact that there is 10 years between them, they are extremely close. She was only 11 when their father died, so he had to raise her from that point.

Question 2:
The location isn’t what would be important to her. It would be visiting somewhere with someone she cared about. She could visit anywhere she wanted, but half the fun would be to have a friend by her side.

Question 6:
One of her nicknames is Ziah. its a simple shortened version of her name that some people often call her.

Question 7:
She is an actress and a singer.

Question 20:
Hearing. She’s passionate about music, so her sense of hearing is important for her.

Question 25:
For her, its important to hold the people you love close, because you never know what could happen.


Yara Keller


Probably her cousin Jordan.
In the past it used to be her step brother Felix as well, but he died a few years ago.

Probably somewhere in Europe, she loves it and finds many of the places there beautiful and unique.

She’s allergic to kiwi! (Sorry cali😂)
It hasn’t caused her many problems but it did get her to the er once, when she discovered she was allergic.

She is a dancer (:

It means a small butterfly, and also the name of the the goddess of the water in Brazilian mythology!

Yes and yes

Hearing, since she’s a dancer, music has an important role in her life.


Valerie Wood



Now that’s
 unknown, since the closest person to her, aka her best friend candice, died recently.

Vegas, because it’s Vegas :sunglasses:

Most people call her Val, which is basically just a short for her name.
In her childhood she had a nickname Lera

Valerie means strength
Her parents picked a name starting with V as a tribute to her grandmother Victoria

She has both yes.

Since she is a very physical person, the sense of touch has a major role in her life.


Dorian DeLoughrey


Question one:
Honestly, he doesn’t really have anyone. He does have close friends but no one that’s really special. Maybe Tala, they were friends for a really long time and he appreciates her but it’s just
 not that. And his relationship with his family is not the best. Elodie tries to be that person for him but it can be hard.

Question eight:
Fighting and arguing is what he’s best at ahaha. That’s sad actually.
He has a bad temper so he often finds himself arguing with someone and it’s never good. He is really stubborn and he never gives up so the ending of that fight or argument depends on the other person.

Question twenty-four:
Now that’s what he thinks he is very good at. He knows how to act and what to say if he wants something from people or if he wants to impress someone. But the person of his dreams?
Let me first find that person so I can think of an answer because he believes he doesn’t really need anyone ahahah. But I think that would be very different, not forceful. He would pay attention to small things and really make an effort in making that person feel appreciated.

Question twenty-five:
Don’t let other people’s opinions depict your own life.

Elodie May DeLoughrey


Question one:
Her mom and Jordan. Jordan is her closest friend and she cares about him deeply but there is only one mom. She values her family, her family is what’s most important to her.

Question six:
Yes, some people call her Elo! It’s just a short version of her name.

Question eight:
Oh, she never, never gets into fights or arguments. She is very sensitive in that way and tries to avoid it at all costs. If she finds herself in that situation she stays calm and tries to calm down the other person. If it doesn’t work she would just let the other person win because she can’t deal with it.

Question twenty-four:
She would act the same in a way. She generally likes to “impress” people and keep a good image but just like Dorian, she would pay attention to small things. She would always offer her help, even if they don’t need it or ask for it and she might even come off as clingy but she would just want to make that person feel special.

Question twenty-five:
Treat others how you want to be treated! :)


Giovanni De Luca



His family’s maid Annabel, she is and always was his closest friend and the person he trusts most even though they have quite an age gap.

Maybe somewhere in South America, one of the Latin countries.

Celery and buckwheat
Hasn’t caused him much problem but it makes him swell up

His friends call him Gio

He is a drag queen, but his alter identity is secret to everyone but a few specific people.

He always had a weak spot to his father, even though the man never liked his son he had quite an impact on him in many ways.

His family is very religious so up until now he was used to celebrate all the Christian holidays, but now since he have contact with his parents anymore he won’t do that. Only some, like Christmas which is a holiday he loves.

As I said his family is very religious, but he himself isn’t. He’s somewhere in the middle between being agnostic and completely atheist, but he does respect people who believe.

Giovanni is an Italian name that means god is gracious
Manuel is his middle name, which was named after his grandfather.

Yes to both


Andy McAllister



That would probably be either his bandmates, Jessica or Mikel.

Anywhere, he just likes traveling and seeing new places so pretty much anywhere he hasn’t been before, or places he has been and loved would be welcome.

Worst and strongest we’re both the same memory, which was his father’s death when he was 14. His father was his the person he was closest with as a child, and his passing affected him a lot.

Eyes, definitely.

He is a musician.

Mostly rock, he likes the way it sounds and in general just connects to it more.
But also acoustic music is something he likes

Yes, very recently as well

Andy does not believe in regrets, and regrets nothing he ever did even if it didn’t end up well, he knows there’s only one life to live and he’s not one to miss chances if he wants something.

Jessica calls him McNugget


well damn I have so many characters welp-

Theodore Alarie


His twin sister Celine definitely, even though they have some personality differences they are are and always were very close.
Also his youngest sister Jolie, even though she is still a toddler.

Probably Japan or somewhere in Asia, or some other place with an interesting and beautiful culture and scenery.

Most people call him Theo, his older sister called him teddy.

He is a photographer and a model.

Theodore means a gift from god,
Leon is his middle name which means lion

Both of them

Sight, as a photographer and as a person that appreciates the little beautiful things in the world

Eyes are the window to the soul

Romantic gestures


Okay, this is just spam now, please stop!

Sorry, didn’t know it could be counted as spam, and I made the post before I was aware it could be

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Tis changed :slight_smile:


What happens in Vegas?

Cause he’s a nugget

Just wanted to add that I can’t believe I just found this gold mine😂


Damn Vegas actually happened since I posted that :joy:


No worries, that’s why I was just informing you. You’re not in trouble or anything, it’s all gravy. (wink)

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I like gravy

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TĂ©o BeaubĂȘte

Fantasy world

His fc is this guy but man do I be undecided with which picture

Hugh Laughton-Scott (@hughlaughtonscott) posted on Instagram ‱ Jan 8, 2021 at 5:04pm UTC

idk my logic for choosing questions but here we are

Is everywhere an option? He just wants adventure in the great wide somewhere~

But maybe
 maybe Denmark. Sometimes (if you catch him in a nostalgic mood (admittedly he’s often in a nostalgic mood so it’s not that hard but shh)) he regrets how things went down there so yeah sometimes he wants to go back and resolve everything

Ooh either his blonden hair or his blue eyes
kinda piercing ngl like here a specific photo I think of

Hugh Laughton-Scott on Instagram: “Pre trim 🌅”

Yah, he has the nickname Towga which he got after travelling to Denmark because he was “the one who got away” from his small provincial town in France—and then he is also the one who got away in regards to his and the guy he met in Denmark’s relationship so lolololol
TĂ© or T (pronounced Tay) is also one, born from the fact that people like to nickname everything aha

He doesn’t argument he :sparkles: runs away :sparkles:
He probably would notttt do well in a fight tho :cowboy_hat_face: but he’s like a nice guy most of the time so why would you wanna fight yknow

Yes he’s been in love, he’s pretty much always in love—if he was an expert of something it would probably be falling in love. And yes, he’s had his heart broken, usually it’s somewhat his fault though. Like he often falls in love with the idea of someone and then reality disappoints him, or in love with the idea of relationships and then is all depressy when they become difficult.

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I know this thread is sorta a game question and answer for preexisting characters, but is this also a place to ask for general inspiration help? And if not, does anyone know the correct thread for that?

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