Floral Fashion 🌻 🌹

Floral fashion includes floral print outfits, floral embroidery or appliqués on clothing items, or floral jewelry and accessories.
Do you own any floral items? Would you like to?

I personally love floral clothing. I own a sunflower print dress, a rose print dress, sunflower earrings, and a few shirts with floral print. I’d like more clothing with floral appliqués on sheet fabric, for example.




Honesty, my mind is battling on whether I wanna go full on enby cottagecore with floral fashion and stuff, or some kind of alt. punk style. That’s my two options in my mind :rofl:
I rlly like the idea of floral fashion, mostly cus I love nature (in case you couldn’t tell from my profile) and its uh v rad. I don’t own any unfortunately, mostly because until I move out I’m focusing on just surviving, rather than fashion lol

Anyway these kinds of things look like something I might wear:

A lot of them are very fem but I do like the idea of taking those kinds of patterns and making my own clothes from them lol

Added the #opinion tag :blossom:

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