Foods to avoid for students (no matter how tempting they can be!)

Hi, students and non-students. Ever just thought of drinking 10 cans of coke? :thinking::white_heart: I certainly have, except with some extra salt. :yum::white_heart:

Here’s the truth…it’s not very healthy.

Some unhealthy foods to avoid:

  • Trans fats!
    Ok, your week-old pizza looks delicious. But did you know a diet high in trans fat increases the risk of depression by up to 48%?
    What to replace this with?
    Kale and broccoli, or anything high in Vitamin K.
  • Caffeine!
    Studying late at night? Reaching for that cup of coffee? Wait a second…long term effects of caffeine can cause anxiety symptoms, such as heart palpitations.
    What to replace this with?
    Some delicious, tasty water. :yum::white_heart:
  • Sugar!
    I love sugar. But in reality, most foods we love are never good for us. Sugar reduces your long and short term memory, as well as your ability to solve problems.
    What to replace this with?

But Tea, where do I find money to buy all this? Here are some tips!

  • Cut down on cakes, biscuits and even chocolate frogs. :pensive::white_heart: Try fruit and some plain yogurt! :yum::white_heart:
  • Buy some peas and lentils! (These are fairly cheap, and healthy.)
  • Eat more vegetables! (Meat and fish are quite expensive.)
  • Don’t waste food.

And lastly…don’t be like @mysterious_tea. Eating too much chocolate and adding salt to your coke isn’t good for y’all. :hugs::white_heart:

Do you have any food recommendations? Anything students shouldn’t eat? Some tricks to eating healthy for less?


Ew… :joy:

Assuming that you’re a poor student: My recommendation is to by big packs because it’s usually cheaper on the kg. Plan what you’re going to buy before going grocery shopping. That is good if you don’t want to end up with unnecessary things.


Oml, that moment when I ate 7 slices of pizza and some chocolate and cake yesterday and 8 slices of pizza and cake the day before
I really need to follow this advice :joy:

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Okay but I live on coffee lol

Yes this is true, but only in high consumption amounts!

Greek is actually better tho

I don’t believe in diets what so ever cause they don’t work once you end them. You can eat what you want in moderate amounts.

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I definitely didn’t pay you to advertise my favourite berries :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

And also try to replace your morning coffee with tea, you won’t get addicted to caffeine this way and some tea’s are said to be very good for humans :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Not all fat is bad for you, but you should stray away from anything with 3828492g of sugar in it :joy:

Also read the nutrition labels kiddos!
When you see the amount of calories on a package, take a closer look at the serving size.

When you glance at the package of Ben & Jerry’s, it says only 480 calories (but that’s only for 2/3 of a cup). If you took the time to read the serving size, you’d find out that eating the whole pint is around 1,300 calories total, which is most likely more than half your intake for the day.

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You should also try to avoid eating too much of the same food, because you’ll end up getting sick of it, even if it used to be your favourite food :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Oh, crap! I was a really, really, really bad student for a second reason then; I lived on coffee. This was, and still is, my addiction. And no matter how bad it is for me, I just can’t stop.

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My sister who will start college in fall will drink 2 bottles of water every day. She on tik tok 24/7 and she get paid to do it.

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Wait, what? Your sister is paid on Tik tok to drink water every day?

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Yep she get paid every time she does a tik tok. She really good. She already have a job doing dancing video.

I’m actually watching it right now.

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WOW. That’s really cool. Good on her.

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This is how many people that follow her without her name showing.

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Yep but I’m headed to bed now.

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Happy birthday!!

Should this be a topic of discussion for @Students, now that school is back for the northern hemisphere? What do you think @Discussions?


Why would you add more to it…it already has a high dose of sodium to it. By the way, I would still eat all the stuff listed here plus some of the healthy stuff. Except for the Lentils. You can keep them.