Forum Island Discs: Elizab2628

Our disc star this week is @Eliza! You have 7 days to send at least 7 songs but you can send as many as you like, enjoy!


Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

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Yayyyyyyyyyyy prepare to get spammed El

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2 questions
Does the order I send the songs matter?
Do the songs need to be like, PG-13…? Because you know I like rap and most rap songs have some form of profanity in em

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No it doesn’t

I can’t check every song :eyes: so no

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Great thanks

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Don’t link inappropriate ones though is what I will say

Just put the title

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Oh ok

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Title and artist :eyes:

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Also pls add sorry not sorry And cool for the summer by demi Lovato