Forum RPer of the Month: February 2022

We’re going to have the vote on this month’s Forum RPer on the 25th of February.

A forum RPer of the month is someone who contributes to the RPs in a huge way. This can be by creating in a certain RP/SG, being helpful to new and old RPers, contributing frequently, having amazing character, dramatic writing, etc. Basically, the Forum RPer of the Month is someone who makes our RPer community a better place to be! They will then get an EPIC selection of prizes!

Here’s how things are going to work as usual:


  • You have until the 25th day of the month to nominate RPers in the community.
  • Every user gets 1 nomination.
  • You cannot nominate yourself (we can’t stop you voting for yourself later on).
  • All Forum RPers of the Month have to have been here since the start of the month (February 1st) and have posted at least one post on an official RP or SG thread.
  • You can nominate the same person for more than one month in a row. Someone can win the prize more than once! However, you cannot win more than two times in a year.

The Prizes

Yes, I said prizes, there is more than one for you to win. If you win the Forum RPer of the Month award, you get all the prizes below:

  1. A Profile Picture/Character Sheet, from @BlueInferno, of one of your characters in this forum RP section.
  2. Access to the Patrons’ lounge and the Restricted section (only applicable if 18+) for one month.
  3. The epically cool RPer of the Month badge
  4. A post on the ShanniiWrites Instagram page mentioning you, your character(s), and any social media handles you want to be shared.

All prizes can be discussed in more detail through a PM if you win.


Those who have won twice in the past 12 months: (Can’t be nominated yet)

  • @/ethereal
  • @/Kristi
  • @/Cadborosa

We’d appreciate all the nominations we can get so, @RPers, please nominate someone, but check who has been nominated above so there aren’t duplicate nominations!

Good luck,
Caliope (wink)

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I would like to nominate @Beauty_Fool for their awesome and amazing RP

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I’m going for @Skyler2 because I’m excited to get back to our evil duo :heart_eyes:


I’m going to nominate @bpalmer for how many characters they’ve been creating and RPing with lately.

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Oh man thanks

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Okay @RPers, I’ll give ya about a day or two to nominate some more, in case you want to appreciate some more RPers?

Then I’ll post the poll.

Only 3 nominees...

@Skyler2 nominates @Beauty_Fool
@Meekepeek nominates @Skyler2
@CrazyCaliope nominates @bpalmer


Ok ( Wink) 0okkk fine im going to stop

What? I don’t understand what this means. Did you want to nominate an RPer?

I’ll nominate @bexs

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why?! ‘o’

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Because I wanna

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okay…thank you so much :pleading_face:

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Hey @Beauty_Fool, @bpalmer & @Bexs, as you were nominated, do you want to nominate anyone as well to continue on the kindness? Anyone you think deserves to be RPer of the month?



@BlueInferno U-U


I would say @Skyler2 but i thought she was already nominated. So um i dont know um you Cali? Or @eunoia but i beivw she has been nominated as many times as she can hut could be wrong


Yes, Meeke nominated Skyler. I’m not sure who that second person suggested was (confused face) but as for Tina, yeah, she can be nominated. (wink)

So who is your choice since Skyler was nominated, @bpalmer?

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Alright, nominations are closed, it’s time to vote!

@RPers, you have about day to vote. You can vote for yourself if you want. Just be sure to use your three votes wisely! (wink)


Well you said bo to yourself so tina i guess because she is equally amazing

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HAHAHAHAHA! Wow! And you listened? That’d be a first here. No RPers listen when I ask them not to nominate me. I’m impressed. Thanks. (wink) … Though, sorry, it’s a little late now, so you’ll have to vote for her next time. (pouts)

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