Free palastine 🇵🇸

Hi everyone :wave:
I thought it would be a good idea to bring some attention to this subject.
In case you haven’t heard of this yet : israel is bombing gaza killing a lot of people. Im not the best person to explain about this so i really recommend you watching this video because they explain it very well :point_down:

If you would like to learn more please also take a little time to listen to part 2
Part 2

Link to donate if you want to:


This isn’t right :palestinian_territories: and the fact that this isn’t in the news , like at all. Is horrible. Please be aware of whats going on.

Love you all and stay safe.
#freepalastine :palestinian_territories:


It’s actually very current in the news. I was going to make a thread on it, but you beat me to it. It’s absolutely horrible.

Then it must only be where i live cuz im not seeing much of it. Most of the news i get is about covid.

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That’s unfortunate. This really needs to be covered…

That sounds really horrible :'0

added some tags

:leaves: Added tags :leaves:

I am honestly not quite sure what’s going on with this. The research I’ve done myself has shown both sides to be both victims and at fault so… :sweat_smile:
However that being said the violence is unacceptable, and the poor people caught in it certainly need freed and for the conflicts to end, no matter who is right

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Yeah, just end this. That’s all we went.

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